1 Adjustable chain coupling assembly.
4 Valve socket lever assembly
2 One-ton container
5 New valve socket wrench assembly
3 Ball and socket assembly
6 Old valve socket wrench assembly
7 Shield assembly
Figure 1. Ml valve replacement mechanism in operating position.
which the spring collar (2) is screwed. The socket cap
7. Old Valve Socket Wrench Assembly
(6) is screwed to the old valve socket and holds the
valve in the socket.
The old valve socket wrench assembly (fig. 2)
consists of an old valve socket (4), a socket cap (6), a
b. Wrench Shaft Spring. The wrench shaft spring
wrench shaft spring (8), a spring collar (2), and an old
(3) is a coil spring which forces the old valve socket
valve wrench (1).
away from the front of the one-ton container after the
a. Old Valve Socket. The old valve socket (4) is
old valve is unscrewed.
shaped at one end to fit the valve on a one-ton
container. The other end is square in cross section to fit
c. Spring Collar. The spring collar (2) screws to the
the socket on the old valve wrench. Immediately below
the square end of the old valve socket are threads to
threads on the end of the old valve
TAGO 5013-A 5