this manual is authorized and encouraged. DA Form
1. Scope
2028 will be used for reporting these improvements.
This manual is published for the use of personnel
This form will be completed in triplicate using pencil,
responsible for operator's, organizational, direct support,
pen, or typewriter. The original and one copy will be
general support, and depot maintenance of the M1
forwarded direct to Commanding General, U.S. Army
valve replacement mechanism. It contains information
on the repair, replacement, and overhaul of major units
Edgewood Arsenal, Md., 21010. One information copy
as well as detailed lubrication, cleaning, and painting
will be provided to the individual's immediate supervisor
information applicable to each level of maintenance, as
(e.g., officer, noncommissioned officer, supervisor, etc.).
authorized in the maintenance allocation chart.
c. Use DD Form 6 to report damaged or improper
shipment of materiel.
2. Appendixes
4. Allocation of Maintenance
Refer to the maintenance allocation chart (app. II) to
3. Record and Report Forms
determine maintenance services authorized for
a. Use the appropriate forms prescribed in TM 38-
organizational maintenance personnel.
Report any
maintenance beyond the scope of organizational
b. The direct reporting by the individual user of
maintenance to direct support maintenance personnel.
errors, omissions, and recommendations for improving
TAGO 5013-A 3