TM 10-5410-228-24
This task covers:
a. Removal
b. Installation
Tools/Test Equipment:
Equipment Conditions:
Shop Equipment, Automotive Maintenance and
Power shut off and power panel and cab area
Shop Equipment: Electrical Equipment
ECV parking brake set.
ECV battery ground cable disconnected
(see TM 9-2320-387-24-1).
TM 9-2320-387-24-1
Personnel: (2)
CBPS contains high electrical currents. To prevent electrical shock when working on
electrical system, ensure that power cable is disconnected from power panel and ECV
batteries are disconnected per TM 9-2320-387-24. Tag power panel and battery area with
sign that states that the power must remain OFF while work is being performed.
Remove jewelry and observe all safety rules for working around high voltage.
Remove eleven screws (1), eleven lockwashers (2) and eleven flat washers (3) securing guard (4)
to side of rack (5). Discard eleven lockwashers (2).
Remove four screws (6), four lockwashers (7) and four flat washers (8) securing converter (9) to
rack (5). Discard four lockwashers (7).
Pull out converter (9) far enough to gain access to back of unit.
Disconnect 1A4W10 cable assembly connector P2 (10) from converter connector J1.
Disconnect 1A4W9 cable assembly connector P2 (11) from converter connector J2.
Remove nut (12), lockwasher (13) and flat washer (14) securing ground lead (15) to ground lug
(16). Discard lockwasher (13).
The converter is heavy. To prevent injury to personnel, two people are required to lift
Remove converter (9) from rack (5).
The converter is heavy. To prevent injury to personnel, two people are required to lift
Place converter (9) part way in rack (5), do not slide all the way back.
Connect ground lead (15) to ground lug (16) and secure with nut (12), new lockwasher (13) (Item