TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10
Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
c. (Cont)
If wiring is good, replace power supply
High voltage is used in the oper-
ation of this equipment. Death
on contact may result if personnel
fail to observe safety precautions.
A 115-volt ac potential may cause
death under certain conditions;
therefore, precautions should be
taken at all times. Be careful not
to contact connections for 115-
volt ac input when installing or
repairing this equipment.
Never work on electronic equip-
ment unless there is another per-
son nearby who is familiar with
the hazards of the equipment and
who is competent in administering
first aid.
If alarms occur immediately after a volt-
age change, set meter to ac volts and
CAREFULLY connect leads to power
supply TB1-1 and TB1-2. Meter should
indicate 110 to 125 vac.
If ac voltage is stable, replace power sup-
To remove power supply, pull main
circuit breaker to remove 120 vac
from CU. Disconnect wires from
battery. As battery is heavy, lift
and turn it to remove from bottom
of CU enclosure. Tag and discon-
nect wires from TB2 and TB4. Re-
move screws that secure cover,
and remove cover. Tag and discon-
nect wires from TB1. Carefully re-
move screws that secure power sup-
ply to side of CU enclosure. Be
careful not to drop it inside CU.
Note cable clamp under screw near