TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - ContinuedTroubleProbable causeCorrective action2.(Cont)c. (Cont)d.If wiring is good, replace power supplyWARNINGHigh voltage is used in the oper-ation of this equipment. Deathon contact may result if personnelfail to observe safety precautions.A 115-volt ac potential may causedeath under certain conditions;therefore, precautions should betaken at all times. Be careful notto contact connections for 115-volt ac input when installing orrepairing this equipment.Never work on electronic equip-ment unless there is another per-son nearby who is familiar withthe hazards of the equipment andwho is competent in administeringfirst aid.e.If alarms occur immediately after a volt-age change, set meter to ac volts andCAREFULLY connect leads to powersupply TB1-1 and TB1-2. Meter shouldindicate 110 to 125 vac.f.If ac voltage is stable, replace power sup-ply.(1)To remove power supply, pull maincircuit breaker to remove 120 vacfrom CU. Disconnect wires frombattery. As battery is heavy, liftand turn it to remove from bottomof CU enclosure. Tag and discon-nect wires from TB2 and TB4. Re-move screws that secure cover,and remove cover. Tag and discon-nect wires from TB1. Carefully re-move screws that secure power sup-ply to side of CU enclosure. Becareful not to drop it inside CU.Note cable clamp under screw near5-39
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