TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10
Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
2. (Cont)
a. (Cont)
If these meter indications are not correct,
turn off switch S1 on top of power sup-
ply. Use board ejector to remove PC
board A7. Set multimeter to ohms and
connect meter leads to TAS terminals
which have wires attached. Push TAS
plunger all the way in, and then pull
plunger all the way out. Meter should
indicate 0 ohms for both switch positions.
Depress TAS plunger and then release.
Meter should indicate over 100, 000 ohms.
If these meter indications are not correct,
replace TAS.
To remove TAS, remove screws
that secure TAS to edge of CU
housing. Loosen screws that se-
cure crimp lugs to switch.
To install new TAS, slip crimp
lugs under screw heads marked
COM and NO on switch, and
tighten screws. Insert switch
through hole in edge of housing
from the back, and insert screws
from the front. Tighten screws
to secure switch.
If meter indications are correct, pull TAS
plunger all the way out. Connect meter
leads to J7-4 and J7-7. Meter should in-
dicate 0 ohms.
If meter indicates over 100, 000 ohms, in-
spect J12/P1, pins 18 and 19, for broken
or loose wires. Resolder any bad connec-
tions on P1.
If meter indicates 0 ohms at J7-4 and
J7-4, connect a jumper wire in power
supply from TB4-3 to TB4-2. Connect
meter leads to J7-1 and J7-14. Meter
should indicate 0 ohms.
If meter indicates 0 ohms, install PC
board A7.