TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10
Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
2. (Cont)
b. (Cont)
Set multimeter to ohms and connect
one lead to power supply TB2-4. Con-
nect other lead to each of the following
TB8-F-2 and TB$-F-6
TB9-A-2 and TB9-A-6
TB10-B-2 and TB10-B-6
TB11C-2 and TB11-C-6
TB12-D-2 and TB12-D-6
TB13-E-2 and TB13-E-6
TB7-S-4 and 9
Power supply TB4-2
Meter should indicate 0 ohms for each
If meter does not indicate 0 ohms for any
check, repair or replace bad wire.
c. Changes in a.
Turn on switch S1 on top of power sup-
power supply ,
ply. Set multimeter to dc volts and con-
output volt-
nect positive meter lead to PC board
A10, TP1 (brown), and negative lead to
chassis (ground). Turn mode switch to
SECURE and ensure that no alarms are
activated. Meter should indicate 18.5
to 21 vdc.
If meter indicates less than 1 vdc, turn
mode switch to ACCESS. Connect posi-
tive meter lead to power supply TB2-3.
Meter should indicate 20 1 vdc. Con-
nect meter lead to TB2-5. Meter should
indicate 5 0.25 vdc. Connect meter
lead to TB2-2. Meter should indicate
28 2 vdc.
If any of these indications are not cor-
rect, turn off switch S1 on power sup-
ply. Check wiring for loose connections,
broken wires, or frayed insulation. Repair
or replace any bad wiring.