TM 5-3740-218-13&P5-13.HYDRAULIC MOTOR REPAIRThis task covers:DisassemblyInspectionRepairAssemblyA.INITIAL SETUPTools and Special Equipment:Equipment Condition:Drive Shaft Installation SleeveReferenceCondition DescriptionTool Kit, 5180-00-177-7033Shop Equipment, 4910-00-754-0654Paragraph 4-44Motor Removed fromPump and CrosstubeMaterials/Parts:AssemblyFile, Emery StoneAppendix E, Item 7Paragraph 4-51Motor Removed fromSlinger AssemblyKit, Parts RepairAppendix E, Item 26General Safety Instructions:Oil, SAE 10W-40Appendix E, Item 40LubriplateAppendix E, Item 35Solvent, Drycleaning,Appendix E, Item 59P-D-680Death or serious injury could result by repeatedand/or prolonged breathing and/or skin contact ofdrycleaning solvent (P-D-680). Use in a well-ventilated area. Do not use near open flame or inexcessive heat. The flash point of this solvent is(100°F-138°F (38°C-59°C).WARNING5-41
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