AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
boxes, at least 200 pound test (Mullen or Cady), or metal containers. Starter Cartridges, Jet Engine, must have
igniter wires short-circuited when packed for shipment.
A27.22.8. Wooden boxes, specification MIL-B-2427, Grade A, Style 4, Type II, containing eight igniters packed
one each in inside hermetically sealed metal containers.
- Igniters or igniter components may be shipped in the same container with jet thrust units. When approved by
military specifications or drawings.
- Rocket motors must be nonpropulsive in shipment. When military air shipment of a rocket motor in a
propulsive state is required, the shipper must obtain written approval from hazard classification authority
listed in TB 70-2/NAVSEAINST 8020.3/T.O. 11A-1-47/DLAR 8220.1, DoD Explosive Hazard
Classification Procedures.
A27.23. Railway Torpedoes. Packaging Requirements:
A27.23.1. Wooden boxes, DOT 15A, 15B, 16A, 19A, or 19B are authorized; however, the net weight in wooden
boxes must not be over 125 pounds.
A27.23.2. Fiberboard boxes, DOT 12H, 23F, or 23H are authorized; however, the gross weight must not be over 65
A27.23.3. Fiberboard boxes, DOT 12B, with inside cartons are authorized. The inside cartons must not contain
over 72 track torpedoes each. The gross weight of the exterior fiberboard box must not be over 65 pounds.
A27.23.4. Fiberboard boxes, DOT 12B, without inside containers may be used for not more than 50 track torpedoes
provided the smallest dimension of the box is at least 6 inches.
A27.24. Propellant Explosives, Solid or Liquid (Class A or B Explosives). Package Requirements:
A27.24.1. Tight metal cases in tight wooden boxes free from loose knots and cracks, or tight metal containers.
Gross weight must not be over 200 pounds.
A27.24.2. Wooden boxes, DOT 14, 15A, or 19B metal lined DOT 2F. Gross weight must not be over 200 pounds.
A27.24.3. Wooden boxes, DOT 14, 15A, 19B, or fiberboard boxes, DOT specifications 23F, or 23H, with inside
cloth or paper bags of capacity must not be over 25 pounds net weight. Each bag must be capable of withstanding,
when filled, at least 2 drops on end from a height of 4 feet without breaking or sifting of contents. Net weight of
contents in outside container must not be over 50 pounds.
A27.24.4. Wooden boxes, DOT 14, 15A, 15B, 15C, 19B, or fiberboard boxes, DOT 12B, or 23H, with inside
containers that must be DOT 13 metal kegs. Fiberboard boxes must contain not more than six metal kegs not over 5
pounds net weight each in one outside containers. Gross weight of wooden boxes must not be over 200 pounds, and
fiberboard boxes must not be more than 65 pounds.
A27.24.5. Wooden boxes, DOT 14, 15A, 15B, 15C, or 19B fiberboard boxes, DOT 23F or 23H, with inside strong
metal containers. A maximum of four inside containers must not be more than 25 pounds each. Gross weight of
fiberboard boxes must not be more than 65 pounds.
A27.24.6. Fiber drums, DOT 21C. Drums having wooden heads must contain a strong sift-proof liner. Authorized
net weight not over 265 pounds.
A27.24.7. Wooden boxes, DOT 14, 15A, 16A, or 19B not lined, authorized only for grains not less than 1 inch in
diameter or 3 inches in length, provided such grains are tightly packed and are coated with a protective material.
Gross weight must not be over 200 pounds.
A27.24.8. Other wooden boxes and fiberboard boxes approved by the military services may be used instead of DOT
specification containers.
A27.24.9. Wooden boxes, DOT 14, 15A, 15B, 19B, or fiberboard boxes, DOT 12H, 23F, or 23H with inside fiber
or metal containers of not more than a 1 ½ pound capacity each. Gross weight of wooden boxes must not be over
200 pounds, and fiberboard boxes must not weigh over 65 pounds.
A27.24.10. Conversion kits, containing Propellant Explosives, Class A, are packed eight each to a fiberboard lined,
metal ammunition components box, MK2. Kit components and separately packaged pellets must be securely nested
within fiberboard separators.
A27.24.11. Fiberboard boxes, DOT 12H, 23G, or 23H with inside securely closed polyethylene bags having a
minimum wall thickness of 6 mils.
A27.24.11.1. Propellant Explosives (Smokeless Powder for Cannon or Small Arms) in water, must be packed in
containers to comply with the following specifications:
A27.24.11.2. Metal barrels or drums, DOT 5, 5A, 5B, 6B, or 6C.
A27.24.11.3. Wooden boxes, DOT 15A or 19B, metal lined DOT 2F.
A27.24.12. Pack Propellant Explosives (liquid) in specific containers as follows: