AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
- Hexanitrostilbene
A27.18.7. Ammonium Picrate, Picric Acid, Urea Nitrate, Trinitrobenzene, Trinitroresorcinol, Trinitrotoluene,
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, Cyclotetra-methylenetetranitramine, Pentaerythrite Tetranitrate (desensitized), or
Trinitrobenzoic Acid when wet with not less than 10 pounds of water to each 90 pounds of dry material must be
shipped in containers to comply with the following specifications:
A27.18.7.1. Metal barrels or drums, DOT 5B, or fiber drums, DOT 2C. Authorized only for
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine or Cyclotetra-methylenetetrainitramine, wet with not less than 10 pounds of water to
each 90 pounds of dry material in inside containers which must be bags made of at least 10-ounce cotton duck
rubber or rubberized cloth, and securely closed. The dry weight of Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine or Cyclotetra-
methylenetetranitramine in one metal barrel or drum must not be more than 300 pounds and not more than 225
pounds in fiber drums. These bags containing the Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine or Cyclotetra-
methylenetetranitramine each must then be placed in a rubber bag, rubberized cloth bag, or bag made of suitable
watertight material that must be securely closed and then placed in the drum. If shipment of
cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine is to take place at a time freezing weather is anticipated, it must be wet with a mixture
of denatured ethyl alcohol or other suitable antifreeze and water of such proportions that freezing will not occur in
A27.18.7.2. Fiber drum, DOT 21C, with inside polyethylene bag having 0.004 inch minimum thickness and liquid
tight closure. Net weight must not be over 200 pounds. Authorized only for wet desensitized Pentaerythrite
A27.18.8. Amatol when cast or compressed in a solid block or column, in addition to containers prescribed in
A26.18.5 may be shipped in metal drums, DOT 13A, not over 90 pounds gross weight.
A27.18.9. Pack nitrocellulose in wooden boxes complying with DOT 14, 15A, 16A, or 19B, with inside packages
that must be:
- Wrapped in strong paraffined paper or suitable sparkproof material, when containing not more than 1 pound
each of dry, uncompressed nitrocellulose. Completed outside package must not contain more than 10 pounds
of dry nitrocellulose.
- Wrapped in strong paraffined paper when containing compressed sticks or blocks of dry nitrocellulose. Gross
weight must not be over 75 pounds.
A27.18.10. Shaped charges, commercial, having exposed lined conical cavities that are covered will be paired
together with the cavities facing each other and with one or more pairs in a fiber tube, or so arranged that the conical
cavities of the shaped charges at the ends of the column face toward the center of the tube. The shaped charges in
the fiber tubes must fit snugly with no excess space in the outside containers. Shaped charges, commercial, must be
packed in specification containers as follows:
A27.18.10.1. Wooden boxes, DOT 14, 15A, 16A, or 19B; gross weight must not be over 140 pounds.
A27.18.10.2. Fiberboard boxes, DOT 12H, 23F, or 23H; gross weight must not be over 65 pounds.
A27.18.10.3. Fiberboard boxes, DOT 12B; at least 275 pounds test double-wall corrugated fiberboard, with double-
faced corrugated lining board having minimum test of 200 pounds. Individual charges of explosives must be packed
in inside securely closed, waterproof plastic containers, or in securely closed waterproof container having metal
ends. Inside individual containers must be separated by means of double-faced corrugated fiberboard partitions of
material not less than 175 pounds (Mullen or Cady). Gross weight must not be over 65 pounds.
A27.18.10.4. Specially designed Navy steel cylindrical containers possessing a shock mitigation system. One each
charge, to a container: four containers properly strapped or banded to a pallet.
A27.18.11. Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX) (desensitized) in pellet form, dry may also be packed in
specification containers as follows:
A27.18.11.1. Wooden box, DOT 15A or 19B, for pellets ¼ of an inch or less in diameter. Pellets must be packed in
a slide-type fiber container with perforated fillers. All openings of the container must be securely closed with
pressure-sensitive tape. Inside containers must be cushioned with at least 2 inches of sawdust between inner and
outer containers. No inside container may contain more than ½ pound net weight of explosive composition, and not
more than 10 pounds of net weight explosive composition must be packed in one outside box.
A27.18.11.2. Wooden box, DOT 15A or 19B, for pellets exceeding ¼ inch in diameter. Pellets must be packed in a
fiber tube with positive closures at both ends, and must be packed in a fiber container having not more than ½ pound
net weight of explosive composition. Inside containers must be cushioned with at least 2 inches of sawdust between
inner and outer containers. Not more than 10 pounds of net weight of explosive composition must be packed in one
outside container.