AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
Attachment 28
A28.1. Inspection General Requirements. Inspect hazardous materials before entering into the military airlift
system. The inspection will ensure hazardous materials are properly prepared and documented. Follow the
guidelines in this attachment when inspecting hazardous materials, including opening an external container to
inspect the internal packagings.
A28.1.1. Originating Shipping Activities. This activity must prevent entry of improper shipments into the
transportation system. Establish a quality control program that ensures packing, marking, labeling, and certifying of
hazardous materials comply with this manual and safety of airlift criteria.
- Inspect each package to ensure the packaging is correct and in good condition.
- Open exterior containers if there is physical evidence to support suspected damage of the inner receptacles or
if the external markings do not correspond to the type of container. Reseal opened containers according to
the applicable test report or special packaging instruction (SPI).
- Provide calibrated dip-stick with any vehicle or wheel engine-powered support equipment without an
operational fuel gauge containing fuel-in-tank. Not required if the item is drained and purged or drained to
500 ml (17 oz) or less of residual fuel.
- Check shippers certification for overall accuracy including correct packaging paragraph.
- Immediately remove damaged or improperly prepared packages from the transportation system.
- Periodically inspect cylinders or spheres to ensure they have been retested and marked as required by 49 CFR
173.34(e) and DLAR 4145.25/AR 700-68/NAVSUPINST 4440.128/MCO 10330.2B/ AFR 67-12, Storage
and Handling of Compressed Gases and Cylinders. Do not offer for transportation any cylinder or sphere not
meeting this requirement.
A28.1.2. Inspectors Other Than Originating Shipping Activity. Establish an inspection program to prevent
improperly prepared hazardous material from entering the transportation system.
- As a minimum, visually inspect all exterior containers and equipment for damage or leakage. Reject
packages showing evidence of leakage (moisture or staining) or other suspected damage until corrective
action is taken to make sure the item is safe for air shipment (see paragraph 1.9).
- Remove improperly prepared or damaged containers from the transportation system and advise the shipper to
immediately coordinate corrective action. Properly store suspect packages containing explosive material
pending repair or disposition.
- Use accurate fuel gauges, calibrated dip-sticks or other positive means to determine the amount of fuel-in-
tank for vehicles and equipment. If positive means is not available, drain and refill fuel tank to appropriate
level in the presence of an inspector.
- Review all Shippers Declarations for Dangerous Goods for accuracy. Make sure special instructions and
warning labels are complete and being followed.
- Enter "Inspected by (followed by name and location of inspector)" in key 6 of the Shippers Declaration form.
- Do not violate compatibility requirements (attachment 18) in the consolidation or makeup of cargo loads (see
3.6.1 for tactical, contingency or emergency airlift).
- Prepare SF 361, Transportation Discrepancy Report, according to DoD 4500.9-R, DTR, Part II, or SF 364,
Supply Discrepancy Report, according to DLAI 4140.55/AR 735-11-2/SECNAVINST 4355.18A/AFJMAN
23-215 (or equivalent reporting means as designated by the Service Focal Points and coordinated with HQ
- The Tanker Airlift Control Element (TALCE), Departure Airfield Control Group (DACG), or Mission
Support Element/Team (MSE/MST) or Cargo Deployment Function (CDF) provides qualified inspectors for
the mobility movement inspection function during tactical or contingency deployments, redeployments, and
exercises (see 1.2.6).
A28.2. Inspection Packaging Procedures. Design inspection procedures to validate safety of the shipment. Do
not physically damage the package or perform any function that adversely affects the integrity or original
performance capability of the packaging.
A28.2.1. Packaging Areas of Emphasis. As a minimum, inspection will address the following areas: