AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
- If freezing temperature is anticipated during shipment, use a mixture of denatured ethyl alcohol and water of
such proportions that freezing will not occur during transit.
A27.20.5. Nitro Mannite. Packed wet, with not less than 40 percent by weight or water container and packaging
procedures are the same as A26.20.1. except that the dry weight of Nitro mannite in one container must not be over
100 pounds. The same freezing precautions apply.
A27.20.6. Nitrosoguanadine. Packed wet with not less than 10 percent by weight of water in metal barrels or
drums, DOT 5, 5B, or 17H with inside strong cloth bag. The dry weight of Nitrosoguanidine in one container must
not be over 75 pounds.
A27.20.7. Pentaerythrite Tetranitrate. Packed wet with not less than 40 percent by weight of water. Container and
packaging procedures are outlined in A26.20.1. Except that the dry weight of Pentaertythrite Tetranitrate in one
container must not be over 300 pounds. The same freezing precautions apply.
A27.20.8. Tetrazene. Packed wet with not less than 30 percent by weight of water. Container and packaging are
the same as A26.20.2. The dry weight in one container must not be more than 75 pounds. The same freezing
precautions apply.
A27.20.9. Fulminate of Mercury. Packed wet with not less than 25 percent by weight of water in DOT 5, 5B, or
17H metal drums or barrels with inside bag made of 4-ounce duck.
- Inside the bag and over the Fulminate, there must be placed a cap of the same fabric and of the same diameter
as the bag. The bag must be securely tied and placed in a strong grain bag. This grain bag must also be
securely tied.
- The dry weight of Fulminate in one container must not be over 150 pounds. Pack the bag and contents in the
center of the wooden barrel, keg, or drum, entirely surrounded by not less than 3 inches of well-packed
sawdust saturated with water.
- The barrel or drum must be lined with a heavy, close fitting jute bag closed by secure sewing to prevent
escape of sawdust. Inspect the barrel or drum carefully, to stop all leaks.
- If shipment of Fulminate of Mercury is to take place at a time that freezing weather is to be anticipated, use a
mixture of denatured ethyl alcohol and water of such proportions that freezing will not occur in transit.
A27.21. Rocket motors; Jet Thirst Units; Igniters, Rocket Motors; or Igniters, Jet Thrust (Class A
Explosives). Package in:
A27.21.1. Wooden boxes or wooden boxes fiberboard lined, DOT 14, 15A, 15E, 16A, or 19B.
A27.21.2. Metal Containers, MIL-D-6054 or other metal containers approved by the DOT.
- Igniters or igniter components may be shipped in the same outside container with the rocket motor or jet
thrust unit if separately packed in unit package (metal can, fiberboard box, etc).
- Rocket motors must be shipped in nonpropulsive state. When military air shipment of a rocket motor in a
propulsive state is required, the shipper must obtain written approval from hazard classification authority
listed in TB 700-2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8B/T.O. 11A-1-47/DLAR 8220.1, DoD Explosive Hazard
Classification Procedures.
A27.22. Rocket Motors; Jet Thrust Units; Igniters, Rocket Motors, Igniters, Rocket Motors; Igniters, Jet
Thrust; Igniters, Ramjet Engine (Class B explosives) or Starter Cartridge, Jet Engine. Package requirements:
A27.22.1. Wooden boxes or wooden boxes fiberboard lined, DOT 14, 15A, 15E, 16A, or 19B. Packages containing
igniters, ramjet engines must not be over 500 pounds gross weight.
A27.22.2. Wooden boxes, DOT 15B, authorized only for igniters, jet thrust (jato) class B or igniters, rocket motor
igniters, ramjet engine, class B explosive. Packages containing igniters, ramjet engine must not be over 500 pounds
gross weight.
A27.22.3. Service-designated and NAVAIR/NAVSEA-approved wood or metal containers identified by Ordinance
Requirement (OR), MIL-STD, or other appropriate container document, and a letter container designated, such as
MK and MOD or CNU numbers.
A27.22.4. MIL-D-6054 drums (MS 63052) with specially designated interior blocking and bracing. Authorized for
jet thrust units, class B explosives only.
A27.22.5.LAU-10/A Launcher, using unit load adapterMK58, MOD 1 and palletized with WR-54/115C, which
consists of 16 units per shipment of rocket motors, class B explosives.
A27.22.6. MK4 metal container with properly designed interior mounting or blocking supports. Authorized for
packed one each M77A1 rocket.
A27.22.7. Fiberboard box, DOT 23F, authorized for Igniters, Jet Thrust (jato), Class B, Igniters, Rocket Motor,
Class B, or Starter Cartridges, Jet Engine, Class B only which must be packed in tightly closed inside fiberboard