AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A27.13.3. Pack and secure bombs, grenades, or projectiles containing gas, smoke, or incendiary charges and
bursting charges in strong wooden or metal boxes.
- The gross weight of a box containing more than one grenade or mine must not be over 250 pounds.
- The gross weight of a shipping container with more than one explosive bomb, warhead, or projectile must not
be over 1,400 pounds.
A27.13.4. Package XM47, XM42, XM42E1, and SX54 mine-dispensing subsystem and XM2,XM12, XM12E1,
XM12E2/E3, and XM17 canisters in wooden or metal containers. The following special shipping procedures apply:
- Wooden containers must not be stacked more than three high with a minimum of 3 feet of space above the top
containers. Containers must be positioned in aircraft to allow a minimum of 2 feet of space in front of the
container inspection door. Tiedown of containers must be such that access to inspection door is not denied
(nets are not considered an obstruction); and
- Gross weight of wooden container must not be over 675 pounds.
A27.13.5. BLU 50/B bomblets are packaged in specially designed fiberboard lined plywood boxes. Inside
containers consist of ten each bomblets in snug fitting, preformed polyurethane cushioning in a heat-sealed barrier
A27.13.6. Explosive mines may be packaged in metal drums, PA 16, with 14 inside can assemblies with perforated
tops, a preformed packing and two base assemblies. Drums must be filled with liquid freon. Two liquid level sight
gauges must be located in the top half of the drum for visual monitoring of the liquid level.
A27.13.7. Explosive mines may be packaged in metal drums, PA 17, with inside preformed packing designed to
hold mines below liquid freon level. Drums must be filled with liquid freon. Two liquid level sight gauges must be
located in the top half of the drums for visual monitoring of the liquid level.
A27.13.8. Package CDU-4/B (SM41E1), CDE-5/B (XM40ES), CDU-10 (XM40ES/SM44) and CDU-14/B (XM64)
in wooden boxes approved by military specification or drawing. CDUs must be filled with liquid freon and level
electrically monitored.
A27.13.9. Explosive bomb, further described as 7.2 inch projector charge, may be shipped assembled to a 40-by 48
inch steel pallet having a gross weight of approximately 2,000 pounds.
A27.13.10. Package explosive bombs, CBU-55/B, containing explosive components and fuel (ethylene oxide) in a
CNU-120/E container.
A27.13.11. Package explosive bombs, CBU-55/B, without fuel, in a CNU-120/E container.
A27.13.12. Explosive bombs, CBU-33/A, may be packed in plastic containers CNU-104/E conforming to MIL-P-
22748A, class A, grade 6. Loaded containers must not be over 1,200 pounds gross weight.
A27.14. Explosive Cable Cutters; Explosive Power Device, Class C; Explosive Release Device, or Starter
Cartridges, Jet Engine, Class C Explosive. Packaging Requirements:
A27.14.1. Fiberboard boxes, DOT 12H, 23F, or 23H. The maximum gross weight must not be over 65 pounds.
A27.14.2. Wooden or metal boxes must be approved by military specification or drawings. Starter cartridges, jet
engine, must have igniter wires short-circuited when packed for shipment.
A27.15. Explosive Rivets. Package explosive rivets, containing not more than 375 milligrams of explosive
composition each, in unit containers or paperboard. Pack the unit containers or paperboard in strong wooden,
fiberboard or metal containers approved by military specification or drawings.
A27.16. Actuating Cartridges, Explosive, Fire Extinguisher or Actuating Cartridge, Explosive, Valve.
Package in strong wooden or fiberboard boxes.
A27.17. Special Fireworks. Packaging Requirements:
A27.17.1. Wooden boxes, DOT 15A, 15B, 16A, 19A, or 19B. The maximum gross weight must not be over 500
A27.17.2. Fiberboard boxes, DOT 12B. The maximum gross weight must not be over 65 pounds. Illuminating
projectiles and aeroplane flares are not permitted in DOT 12B boxes.
A27.17.3. Package flash or spreader cartridges with not more than 72 grains of flash powder in inside fiberboard
cartons or tin cans containing not over six cartridges. Pack no more than 150 inside containers in outside DOT 15A,
16A, 19A, or 19B wooden boxes or DOT 12B fiberboard boxes.
A27.17.4. Package assembled flash cartridge consisting of a paper cartridge shell, small arms primer, and flash
composition in inside cartons. The flash composition in the one-piece assembled and ready for firing flash cartridge
must not be over 180 grains. Do not pack more than 12 cartridges each in the inside cartons. A maximum of 12