AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 NOVEMBER 2001
affecting the certification. Personnel making a change to any key must sign above the change. All entries must be
durable, clear, and legible on all copies. Shipments may be frustrated if any entry on the form is not clear and legible. If
the Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods form is rejected, the correction must be accomplished as described in this
paragraph or an entirely new form must be completed and presented to the shipping activity.
Leave blank any key that does not require an entry (i.e., Key 15 when there is no subsidiary risk).
If the Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods does not contain sufficient space in any one key to accommodate all of
the required information, use an additional Shippers Declaration as an extension page. Each page must show the page
number and total number of pages (Key 4). All pages must have the vertical red hatch border.
For packages containing items with different proper shipping names, prepare individual Shippers Declarations for
Dangerous Goods for each different PSN in the overpack, consolidated, or stowed load. This is required for military
airlift, regardless of the certification document used. See A17.3 for exceptions related to Chapter 3 operations.
Only one Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods is required when shipments involve a single item with multiple
hazards. Certify to the primary or highest hazard. All additional hazards will be identified by PSN, hazard class, and net
quantity in "Additional Handling Information" (Key 19). Additionally, the same form may be used for one or more items
with the same PSN and identical hazards. If shipping a kit consisting of more than one container, enter in key 19 the
statement: contained in kit piece number *** (replace *** with the piece number which contains the hazardous
A17.2.4. Not Enough Copies or No Copies. In instances where there are not enough copies of the Shipper's Declaration for
Dangerous Goods, a certified "true copy" may be placed with the station file manifest. When making a true copy:
Annotate all the information verbatim from the original Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods.
Use the information in the signature block from the original form and annotate it on the true copy, (i.e., John Doe, 2 Oct
90). On the reverse side of the form, type or clearly print the words "True Copy" and the name of the individual who is
certifying the form to be a true copy. This official must sign the form in longhand above the typed or printed name. The
individual preparing a "true copy" need not be qualified according to A25.3 to certify the Shipper's Declaration for
Dangerous Goods is a true copy.
A17.2.5. Split Shipments. When a shipment is split according to procedures identified in DoD 4500.32R, the following guidance
Someone other than the certifying official may change key 5 and key 16 entry for number of packages only. The
individual making the change must sign above it.
All other entries in key 16 (i.e., type of packaging and net quantity) will only be changed by the certifying official.
Prepare a true copy according to A17.2.4. The original shippers certification form will accompany the aircraft
manifest with the first shipment. Attach a split shipment true copy to aircraft manifest and station manifest for
subsequent shipments. Each Shippers Declaration must reflect the correct TCN and number of packages.
Enter statement, Shipment split at XXX (use Air terminal three letter code) IAW DoD 4500.32R on reverse side of all
Shippers Declaration forms.
A17.2.6. Multiple Mode Shipments. Shipments certified to the ICAO, IATA, or 49 CFR that do not exceed the passenger
quantity limitations of the certifying document may use the same Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods for both the
commercial and military segments of air transport. Include any information required by A17.1. For shipments that exceed the
passenger quantity limitations of the ICAO, IATA, or 49 CFR:
Complete a Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods according to the ICAO, IATA, or 49 CFR for the commercial
segment and a separate Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods according to this manual for the military segment.
Place copies of the Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods needed for subsequent movement in a waterproof
envelope on the number one piece of the shipment.
DoD aerial port personnel will remove the copies of the Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods from the waterproof
envelope and obliterate the "cargo aircraft only" label if not required for military transport.
A17.2.7. Classified Information. If the information to be entered on the Shipper's Declaration is classified, the following
procedures apply:
Complete the signed original in detail, including essential classified data, and attach to the manifest that is placed on the
aircraft. Once the classified information is applied, the Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods must carry the same
classification as the highest classification of the entered information.
The manifest on the aircraft must carry the same classification as the classified information until the classified Shippers
Declaration for Dangerous Goods is detached and handled according to applicable security regulations.