AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 NOVEMBER 2001
Attachment 16
A16.1. General Requirements. Placard the area surrounding aircraft transporting any hazardous materials when parked
according to table A16.1 or Service directives. If Service directives do no contain specific procedures for placarding, use the
following guidance:
Use placards that meet the general design, size, and color specifications of 49 CFR 172.519.
For explosives, fire and chemical hazard symbols specified in DoD 6055.9-STD may be used in place of placards.
Conspicuously display placards at the front, rear, and both sides of the aircraft unless emergency response access is
restricted. Then post placards at entry points.
Park aircraft transporting DoD Class 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 explosives and any material identified as Inhalation hazard zone A
in a remote area. Placarding is still required for these materials when parked in a designated restricted, posted, and traffic
controlled parking or loading and unloading area.
Park aircraft transporting all other types of hazardous materials in a placarded area. However, placarding is not required
for these materials when parked in a designated restricted, posted, and traffic controlled parking or loading and unloading
A16.2. Responsibility for Placards.
Military hosts are responsible for placarding at military bases.
At nonmilitary airfields, the agency delivering cargo to the aircraft, or off loading cargo is responsible for making
arrangements with the airport manager for identifying the cargo, isolating parking and loading, placarding, firefighting,
and disaster response. Arrangements for using en route nonmilitary airfields is the responsibility of the activity having
operational control of the aircraft.
It is the shipping activitys responsibility to establish procedures to locally procure and fund for hazardous material
A description of the placards is shown in table A16.1.