AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 NOVEMBER 2001
Label nitric acid solution of radioactive material "RADIOACTIVE" and "CORROSIVE."
Each package requiring a "RADIOACTIVE" label must have two of these labels affixed to opposite sides of the package.
Enter the following information in the blank spaces by legible printing (manual or mechanical), using a durable weather
resistant means of marking:
"Contents." The name of the radionuclides as taken from the listing of radionuclides in table A11.1. Symbols that
conform to established radiation protection terminology are authorized, (i.e., 99Mo, 60Co, etc). For mixtures of
radionuclides, list the most restrictive radionuclides, on the basis of radiotoxicity, as space on the label allows. If an
overpack is used to consolidate individual packages, this entry may state "MIXED" unless each inside package
contains the same radionuclides.
"Activity." Express units in appropriate international units of Becquerals (Bq) or Terabecquerals (Tbq). The
customary units, i.e., curies (Ci), mullicuries (mCi), or microcuries (uCi) may be included in parenthesis following
the international units. Abbreviations are authorized. For a fissile material, the weight in grams or kilograms of the
fissile radioisotope also may be inserted. If an overpack is used to consolidate individual packages, this entry must
be determined by adding together the number of curies of the radioactive materials packages contained in the
"Transport Index." See attachment 1. If an overpack is used to consolidate individual packages, determine this entry
by adding together the transport indexes of the radioactive materials packages contained in the overpack. The transport
index of the overpack must not exceed 3.0 for passenger-carrying aircraft shipments, or 10.0 for cargo only aircraft
shipments (see attachment 22).
A15.4.5. Class 8.
Batteries prepared and certified according to A12.5 must have a "Package Orientation" labels indicating the upright
position (top) of the container.
Label Chemical or First Aid Kits prepared in accordance with A12.7 with the primary hazard label and any subsidiary
risk labels applicable to each individual hazard within the kit.
A15.4.6. Class 9.
Equipment or articles of Class 9 do not require a label unless packaged, crated, or otherwise enclosed to prevent ready
Certify items containing both limited quantity radioactive and magnetic characteristics to the radioactive material.
Although limited quantity radioactive material is exempt from labeling, a magnetic material label must be applied to the
shipping container.