AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 NOVEMBER 2001
Attachment 17
HA17.1. Shippers Certification. Unless specifically exempted in this manual, the shipping activity must complete a shippers
certification according to this attachment for all military air shipments of hazardous materials.
A17.1.1. Certifying Official.
A qualified Preparer must accomplish the Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods form.
When transportation personnel are required to certify an item that requires special preparation, the item specialist or
preparing activity will provide documentation indicating that the item is prepared properly for air shipment. Develop
local procedures to determine acceptable documentation.
A17.1.2. Certification Reference. Certify hazardous materials to a packaging reference in this manual. Hazardous material may
be certified to the ICAO Technical Instruction, IATA Dangerous Good Regulation, or Title 49 CFR under the following
Comply with all requirements of the certifying document.
Do not exceed the passenger quantity limitations of the certifying document. If the passenger quantity limitations of the
certifying document are exceeded or the material is forbidden on passenger aircraft, then the shipment must be certified to
this manual.
Comply with requirements in Attachment 20 for absorbent material in combination packages containing liquid hazardous
Include handling instructions identified in this manual for specific proper shipping names on the certification form in the
"Additional Handling Information" block.
Certify vehicles and support equipment to this manual.
Certify compressed gas cylinders to this manual.
See A17.2.6 for multiple mode shipments.
A17.2. Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods Certification.
A17.2.1. Forms Required. Complete shippers certification on the "Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods" standard
commercial form. Two styles of the commercial form may be used. One style is designed with the "Nature and Quantity of
Dangerous Goods" section left open for continuous printing. The other style is designed in a columnar format with the "Nature
and Quantity of Dangerous Goods" section blocked and formatted with headings specifying each key entry (figure A17.3). It is
the shipping activity's responsibility to establish procedures to locally procure and fund for the Shippers Declaration for
Dangerous Goods form.
Obtain the form through the procurement system from commercial vendors specializing in hazardous material
transportation supplies.
The form may be locally produced depending on local capabilities and economic feasibility.
The form must meet the format, size, and color specifications outlined in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulation, Section
A17.2.2. Copies Required. Complete and sign at least three Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods forms.
Attach one certification form to the copy of the manifest that is placed on the aircraft.
Attach one certification form to the originating station file manifest. Intransit or enroute terminals may reproduce
(photocopy) the Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods form for their station file if required.
Place one certification form in a waterproof envelope and attach to the number one piece of the shipment.
The three original forms used to offer hazardous material for military air transportation must have the vertical red hatch
border and certifying officials signature. Carbon signaturers are acceptable.
Additional copies may be forwarded with the shipment. Vertical red hatch border is not required for any additional
A17.2.3. Form Completion. Complete the Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods form either manually (hand printed) or
mechanically (typewriter, computer, etc.). The form may be completed by a combination of manual and mechanical means, as
required, providing all entries are clear and legible. However, when possible, the shipping activity should complete the form
entirely manually or entirely mechanically. Incorrect punctuation or entries that touch column separating lines on the form is not
justification for frustrating hazardous cargo.
The certifying official may make pen and ink changes to any key. Someone other than the certifying official may make
pen and ink changes to Keys 1 (only to the telephone number and not to the address), 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, and 19 without