AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
HNet Explosive Weight (NEW)--As it relates to this manual, NEW is the total weight, expressed in kilograms, of all
explosive components. Refer to DoD 6055.9-STD, Explosive Safety Standards or Service directives for definition
of NEW used to determine Quantity Distance (QD) criteria.
Non-Bulk Packaging--A packaging that has a maximum net mass of 400 kg (882 lbs) or less and a maximum
capacity of 450 L (119 gallons) or less.
Nonfixed Radioactive Contamination--Radioactive contamination that can be readily removed from a surface by
wiping with an absorbent material. Nonfixed (removable) radioactive contamination is not significant if it is not
over the limits specified in A3.3.7.11.
Nonliquefied Compressed Gas--A gas, other than gas in solution, which under charged pressure is entirely gaseous
at a temperature of 20 degrees C (68 degrees F).
Normal Form Radioactive Material--Radioactive material that has not been demonstrated to qualify as "special
form radioactive material."
Oral Toxicity--Liquid with a lethal dose where 50 percent of the test subjects die (LD50) from acute oral toxicity of
not more than 500 mg/kg or a solid with an LD50 for acute oral toxicity of not more than 200 mg/kg.
ORM-D--For the purposes of this manual, ORM-D material, are only those materials with flammable properties
(liquids, solids, and gases) that present a limited hazard during transportation due to their form, quantity, and
packaging. Each ORM-D material is listed in table A4.1. ORM-D classification is only authorized for domestic
shipments. International shipments must not be transported under the classification "ORM-D."
Outage or Ullage--The amount a packaging falls short of being liquid full, usually expressed in percent by volume.
Outer Packaging--The outermost enclosure of a composite or combination packaging together with any absorbent
materials, cushioning, and any other components necessary to contain and protect the inner receptacles or inner
Overpack--1) A container used to hold one or more air eligible packages to form a single unit for convenience of
handling or storage during transportation. 2) Placement of containers that do not meet air eligibility pressure
requirements into an outer approved UN packaging.
Package--For radioactive materials, the packaging together with its radioactive contents as presented for transport.
Package or Outside Package--The packaging plus its contents.
Packaging--A receptacle and any other components or materials necessary for the receptacle to perform its
containment function in conformance with the minimum packing requirements of this manual. For radioactive
materials, the assembly of components necessary to ensure compliance with the packaging requirements of this
manual. It may consist of one or more receptacles, absorbent materials, spacing structures, thermal insulation,
radiation shielding, and devices for cooling or absorbing mechanical shocks. The conveyance, tie down system, and
auxiliary equipment may sometimes be designated as part of the packaging.
Packers--Personnel who package hazardous materials, but do not sign legally binding documents.
Packing Group--The degree of danger presented by the hazardous material.
Packing Group I indicates great danger.
Packing Group II indicates medium danger.
Packing Group III indicates minor danger.