AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A material with a saturated vapor concentration in air at 20 degrees C (68 degrees F) of more than one-fifth
of the LC50 acute toxicity on inhalation of vapors and with an LC50 for acute toxicity on inhalation of
vapors of not more than 5000 mL/m3 (5000 parts per million (PPM)).
An irritating material, with properties similar to tear gas which causes extreme irritation, especially in
confined spaces.
Inner Packaging--Packaging for which an outer packaging is required for transport. It does not include the inner
receptacle of a composite packaging.
Inner Receptacle--Receptacle which requires an outer packaging in order to perform its containment function. The
inner receptacle may be an inner packaging of a combination packaging or the inner receptacle of a composite
Jerrican--A metal or plastic packaging of rectangular or polygonal cross-section.
Kit--A set of materials or articles used for a specific purpose, shipped as a single item and assigned a single National
Stock Number or Part Number by the Service/Agency Item Manager. A kit may include one or more different
hazardous materials. Hazardous components may or may not be compatible but may be transported together as a
Limited Quantity of Radioactive Materials--A quantity of radioactive material which is not over the limits specified
in A11.15 and conforms to the requirements specified in A11.11.
Liquefied Compressed Gas--A gas, which under charged pressure, is partially liquid at a temperature of 20 degrees
C (68 degrees F).
Low Specific Activity (LSA) Material:
Uranium or thorium ores and physical or chemical concentrates of those ores.
Unirradiated natural or depleted uranium or unirradiated natural thorium.
Tritium oxide in aqueous solutions provided the concentration is not over 5.0 millicuries (mCi) per
milliliter (mL).
Material in which the radioactivity is essentially uniformly distributed and where the estimated average
concentration of contents is:
Not over 0.0001 millicurie per gram (mCi/g) of radionuclides for which the A2 quantity is not more
than 0.05 Ci.
Not over 0.005 mCi/g of radionuclides for which the A2 quantity is more than 0.05 Ci but not more
than 1 Ci.
Not over 0.3 mCi/g of radionuclides for which the A2 quantity is more than 1 Ci.
Objects of nonradioactive material externally contaminated with radioactive material, provided that the
radioactive material is not readily dispersible. The surface contamination, when averaged over an area of 1
square meter, must not exceed 0.0001 mCi (220,000 disintegrations per minute) per square centimeter of
radionuclides for which the A2 quantity is not more than 0.05 Ci or 0.001 mCi (2,200,000 disintegrations
per minute) per cm2 for other radionuclides. These items must be suitably wrapped or enclosed.
Magnetic Material--Any packaged material that has a magnetic field strength of 0.002 gauss or more measured at
2.1 m (7 ft) from any surface of the package.
Natural Thorium--Thorium with the naturally occurring distribution of thorium isotopes (essentially 100 weight
percent thorium232).
Natural Uranium--Uranium with the naturally occurring distribution of uranium isotopes (approximately 0.711
weight percent uranium232, and the remainder essentially uranium238).