AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
degrees C (140 degrees F), and a flash point greater than 5 degrees C (41 degrees F). Type B dilutents are only used
when specified in table A9.1. The boiling point of a type B dilutent must be at least 50 degrees C (122 degrees F)
above the control temperature of the organic peroxide. A type A dilutent may be substituted for a type B dilutent in
equal concentration.
Division--A subdivision of a hazard class.
Domestic Addressee--The continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam,
and other US Territories.
Drum--A flat-ended or convex-ended cylindrical packaging made of metal, fiberboard, plastic, plywood, or other
suitable materials.
Emergency--An emergency operation is the movement of personnel, equipment and supplies of an organization so
they can respond to a non combat (i.e. natural disaster) event requiring special and immediate action.
Enriched Uranium--Uranium containing more uranium235 than the naturally occurring distribution of uranium
Exclusive Use--(Also referred to in other publications as "sole use" or "full load.") The sole use of a conveyance by
a single consignor for which all initial, intermediate, and final loading and unloading are carried out according to the
direction of the consignor or consignee. Specific instructions for maintaining exclusive use shipment controls must
be issued in writing and included with the shipping paper information provided to the carrier by the consignor.
Filling Density--Designates the percent ratio of the weight of gas in a container to the weight of water that the
container will hold at 15.5 degrees C (60 degrees F) (one pound of water equals 27.737 cubic inches at 15.5 degrees
Fissile Material--Any material consisting of or containing one or more fissile radionuclides. Fissile radionuclides
are plutonium-238, plutonium-239, plutonium-241, uranium-233, and uranium-235. Neither natural nor depleted
uranium are fissile material. Fissile materials are classified according to the controls needed to provide nuclear
criticality safety during transportation, as provided in A4.3.7. Certain exclusions are provided in A3.3.7.9.
Flash Point--The minimum temperature at which a liquid within a test vessel gives off vapor in sufficient
concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid. Flash points are determined by the
testing prescribed in 49 CFR 173.120.
Freight Container--A reusable container having a volume of 1.81 cubic meters (64 cubic feet) or more, designed
and constructed to permit lifting with its contents intact, and intended primarily for containment of packages in unit
form during transportation. A small freight container has either one outer dimension less than 1.5 meters (4.9 feet)
or an internal volume of not more than 3.0 cubic meters (106 cubic feet). All other freight containers are designated
as "large freight containers." Also known as ISO Containers.
Gross Weight (Gross Mass):
Weight of a vehicle, fully equipped and serviced for operation, including the weight of the fuel, lubricants,
coolant, vehicle tools and spares, crew, personal equipment, and load.
Weight of a container or pallet including freight (contents) and binding.
Handlers--Personnel who only handle hazardous materials or hazardous materials documentation.
Hazard Class--The category of hazard assigned to a hazardous material based on defining criteria. Hazard classes
are: explosives (Class 1), compressed gases (Class 2), flammable liquids (Class 3), flammable solids (Class 4),