AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A13.11.1. Handling Instructions. Store in cool, well-ventilated areas away from fire hazards and sources of heat
or ignition. Do not drop or rough handle.
A13.11.2. Packaging Requirements:
A13.11.2.1. Pack kits in weather-resistant fiberboard or other securely closed strong outer container. Pack
hazardous materials contained in the kit in inner packaging that is adequate to prevent accidental activation.
Suitably cushion the inner packagings to prevent movement. Packagings must meet the general requirements of
A3.1. UN specification packaging is not required.
A13.11.2.2. Individually assigned kit hand carried by a crewmember.
This paragraph applies only to support operations involving recovery of inoperable aircraft or return of a
flight crewmember as a passenger to maintain accountability of an individually assigned kit. For unit
deployments see paragraph 3.4.2 or transport as palletized cargo according to A13.11.2.1. This does not
apply to contract passenger or commercial aircraft.
Package life-saving appliances in a strong outer container or A-3 bag. The requirements of A13.11.2.1 for
inner packing and cushioning apply.
Individual assigned kits may be handcarried by crew members. Crew members must inform the Air
Terminal Operations Center, when transporting life-saving appliances in this manner. Items will be stored
as directed by the transporting aircraft commander.
When prepared and handcarried according to this paragraph, the marking and labeling requirements of
Attachments 14 and 15 do not apply. Shippers Declaration certification is required.
HA13.12. Dangerous Goods in Apparatus or Machinery. Apply this description only to apparatus or machinery
containing hazardous material as an integral component of the item. This description may also be used for items
that are normally a part of an end item or required to serve an operational function, but are removed and shipper
separately (i.e., fuel tanks or bladders). Do not use this description for items in which a PSN already exists in table
Apparatus or machinery may only contain hazardous materials permitted as limited quantities under A19.3.
If more than one hazardous material is present, the material must not be capable of reacting dangerously
The total net quantity of hazardous materials contained in one package must not exceed the following:
1 kg (2.2 lbs) for solids
500 ml (17 ounces) for liquids
0.5 kg (1.1 lbs) for Class 2.2 gases
Secure or cushion receptacles containing hazardous material to prevent breakage or leakage and to control
movement within the item during transport. Cushioning material must not react dangerously with or have
protective properties adversely affected by any leakage.
Ensure that, in the event of damage to receptacles, no leakage of the hazardous material from the apparatus
or machinery is possible. A leak-proof liner is required for articles that are completed drained of liquid but
not purged. All openings and lines must be capped or sealed according to applicable technical directives.
Class 2.2 gases must be in authorized cylinders according to attachment 6.
Pack in strong outer packagings unless the receptacles containing the hazardous material are adequately
protected by the construction of the apparatus or machinery. UN specification packaging is not required.
A13.13. General Packaging Requirements for Class 9 Materials. Generally, all inside containers for Class 9
and ORM-D packages must meet the requirements of attachment 3 and this paragraph. Provide enough outage for
packagings of 208 L (55 gallon) capacity or less, so that the packaging will not be liquid full at 54 degrees C (130
degrees F.) Make sure that when a liquid or solid has an absolute vapor pressure over 110 kPa (16 psi) at 38 degrees
C (100 degrees F) the primary packaging is capable of withstanding the inside vapor pressure at 54 degrees C (130
degrees F) without leakage. Package any Class 9 or ORM-D material that may cause a hazard in transportation due
to its reaction with water in either an inner or outer waterproof packaging. ORM-D classification is only authorized
for domestic shipments. International shipments must not be transported under the classification ORM-D.
A13.13.1. Use any appropriate non-bulk packaging that meets the requirements of attachment 3 to ship liquid or
solid Class 9 material. UN specification packaging is not required.
A13.13.2. Package material classified as ORM-D for domestic shipment as follows:
Pack flammable liquids: