AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
terminals must not be relied on to support any part of the superimposed weight. Each skid or pallet must be mark
and labeled as required by attachments 14 and 15.
A12.5.5. Ship batteries, which are an integral component of tactical shelters, secured upright in authorized holders.
Disconnect terminal leads and completely protect against short circuit.
HA12.6. Bombs, Smoke, Nonexplosive. Ship bombs, smoke, nonexplosive provided they are without ignition
elements, bursting charges, detonating fuses, or other explosive components. Packaging must meet PG II
performance standards. Package in an outer wooden box (4C1, 4C2, 4D, 4F) or plywood drum (1D).
HA12.7. Chemical or First Aid Kits. This description is intended for boxes, cases, etc., containing small amounts
of various hazardous materials used for medical, analytical, or testing purposes. Mark containers in accordance with
A14.4.7 and label in accordance with A15.4.5.
A12.7.1. Chemical kits shipped domestically as NA 1760 are excepted from specification packaging if the
following requirements are met:
The kit may contain only corrosive liquids.
Liquid is contained in inner receptacles of not over 177 ml (6 fluid ounces) capacity each.
Cushion the inside containers with sufficient absorbent cushioning material to completely absorb the
contents of the individual containers, and protect from damage by other materials in the kit.
The contents of the kit must be of such a nature and packed so there will be no possibility of the mixture of
contents causing dangerous evolution of heat or gas.
The kit must be a strong wooden or metal container or be packed in a strong wooden or metal container.
A12.7.2. Package chemical kits shipped domestically as NA 1760 and containing corrosive liquids in a fiberboard
box (4G) with inner glass receptacles not over 1 L (1 quart) capacity each, securely cushioned and separated from
other inside containers. The contents of the kit must be of such a nature and so packed that there will be no
possibility of the mixture of contents causing dangerous evolution of heat or gas.
HA12.8. Gallium. Package gallium metal in semi-rigid plastic inside packaging of not more than a 2.5 kg (5.5
pound) net capacity each, then individually enclosed in a sealed bag of strong, leak-tight, and puncture-resistant
material impervious to liquid gallium. Place the sealed bag in a wooden box (4C1, 4C2, 4D, or 4F), fiberboard box
(4G), plastic box (4H1 or 4H2), fiber drum (1G), or steel drum (1A2) lined with a strong, leak-tight, and puncture
resistant material impervious to liquid gallium. If necessary to keep in a solid state, enclose this packaging in a
strong, water-resistant outer packaging that contains dry ice or other means of refrigeration. The refrigeration must
be sufficient to maintain the gallium in a completely solid state during the entire anticipated time it will be in
transportation to its destination. If a refrigerant is used, all packaging materials must be chemically and physically
resistant to the refrigerant and must have impact resistance at the low temperatures of the refrigerant used. If dry ice
is used, the outer package must permit the release of carbon dioxide gas. Packaging must meet PG I performance
standards. Manufactured articles, each not containing more than 100 mg (0.0035 oz) of gallium and packaged so
that the quantity per package does not exceed 1 g (0.35 oz) are not subject to any other requirements of this manual
(see paragraph 1.10.3).
HA12.9. Hydrogen Fluoride. Package hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid, anhydrous) in cylinders, DOT 3, 3A,
3AA, 3B, 3BN, 3C, 3E, 4, 4A, 25, or 38; also DOT 4B, 4BA, 4BW, or 4C, if not brazed. Filling density must not
exceed 85 percent of the water weight capacity of the cylinder. Cylinders used exclusively in this manner, may,
instead of the periodic hydrostatic retest required by 49 CFR 173.34(e), be given a complete external visual
inspection and so documented according to 49 CFR 173.163.
HA12.10. Mercury (Metallic and Articles Containing Mercury).
A12.10.1. Handling Instructions. Mercury is poisonous in liquid and vapor form and can be absorbed through the
skin at room temperature. It is corrosive to aluminum and its alloys. It expands on freezing, and may crack glass
A12.10.2. Packaging Requirements. Packaging must meet the PG I performance level. Pack inner containers
with sufficient cushioning material to prevent breakage. Either the inner packaging or the outer packaging must
have an inner liner or bags of strong leak-proof and puncture-resistant material, impervious to mercury, completely
surrounding the contents and sealed which will prevent the escape of mercury from the package irrespective of its