302AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.311 DECEMBER 2001A12.3.20.1. Wooden box (4C1) or fiberboard box (4G) with inside original 1.3 L (1 1/3 quart) capacity containers.Arrange in snugly fitting cells not more than 12 per box. Place full box size pads against all inside faces of the box.Maximum gross weight is 45.4 kg (100 pounds).A12.3.20.2. Wooden box (4C1) or fiberboard box (4G) with an inside 19 L (5 gallon) metal drum. Overpack DS2containers that are not in good condition in metal drums. Cushion the cans with a minimum of 76 mm (3 inches) ofvermiculite on all sides.A12.4. Packaging for Solid Class 8 Materials.Package in:A12.4.1. Steel drum (1A1 or 1A2), aluminum drum (1B1 or 1B2), or metal drum, other than steel or aluminum(1N1 or 1N2) with inside glass, earthenware, plastic, or metal receptacles.A12.4.2. Plywood drum (1D), fiber drum (1G), or plastic drum (1H1 or 1H2), with inside glass, earthenware,plastic, or metal receptacles.A12.4.3. Wooden barrel (2C2), with inside glass, earthenware, plastic, or metal receptacles.A12.4.4. Steel jerrican (3A1 or 3A2), aluminum jerrican (3B1 or 3B2), or plastic jerrican (3H1 or 3H2), with insideglass, earthenware, plastic, or metal receptacles.A12.4.5. Steel box (4A) or aluminum box (4B) with inside glass, earthenware, plastic, or metal receptacles.A12.4.6. Natural wood box (4C1 or 4C2), plywood box (4D), or reconstituted wood box (4F), with inside glass,earthenware, plastic, or metal receptacles.A12.4.7. Fiberboard box (4G) with inside glass, earthenware, plastic, or metal receptacles.A12.4.8. Solid plastic box (4H2) with inside glass, earthenware, plastic, or metal receptacles.A12.4.9. Steel drum (1A1 or 1A2), aluminum drum (1B1 or 1B2), or metal drum, other than steel or aluminum(1N1 or 1N2).A12.4.10. Plywood drum (1D). Not authorized for PG I material.A12.4.11. Plastic drum (1H1 or 1H2).A12.4.12. Fiber drum (1G).A12.4.13. Wooden barrel (2C1 or 2C2). Not authorized for PG I material.A12.4.14. Steel jerrican (3A1 or 3A2), aluminum jerrican (3B1 or 3B2), or plastic jerrican (3H1 or 3H2).A12.4.15. Steel box with liner (4A), or aluminum box with liner (4B).A12.4.16.Steel box (4A1), or aluminum box (4B1). Not authorized for PG I material.A12.4.17. Natural wood box sift-proof (4C2).A12.4.18. Plywood box (4D) or reconstituted wood box (4F). Natural wood box (4C1). Not authorized for PG Imaterial.A12.4.19. Fiberboard box (4G). Not authorized for PG I material.A12.4.20. Expanded plastic box (4H1) or solid plastic box (4H2). Not authorized for PG I material.A12.4.21. Bag, woven plastic (5H1, 5H2, or 5H3); bag, plastic film (5H4); bag, textile (5L1, 5L2, or 5L3); bag,paper, multiwall, water-resistant (5M2). Not authorized for PG 1 material.A12.4.22. Single, composite package comprised of a plastic receptacle in steel, aluminum, plywood, fiber, or plasticdrum (6HA1, 6HB1, 6HD1, 6HG1, or 6HH1).A12.4.23. Single, composite package comprised of a plastic receptacle in steel, aluminum, wood, plywood, orfiberboard box (6HA2, 6HB2, 6HC, 6HD2, or 6HG2).A12.4.24. Single, composite package comprised of glass, porcelain, or stoneware in steel, aluminum, plywood, orfiber drum (6PA1, 6PB1, 6PD1, or 6PG1).A12.4.25. Single, composite package comprised of glass, porcelain, or stoneware, in steel, aluminum, wooden, orfiberboard box (6PA2, 6PB2, 6PC, or 6PG2).A12.4.26. Single, composite package comprised of glass, porcelain, or stoneware in expanded or solid plasticpackaging (6PH1 or 6PH2).HA12.5. Batteries, Wet, Filled with Acid; Batteries, Wet, Filled with Alkali; or Batteries, Wet, Nonspillable.- Completely protect against short circuit and securely cushion electric storage batteries containing electrolyte acidor alkali corrosive battery fluid within the outer container.- Place batteries inside an acid-proof liner (not mandatory for nonspillable batteries), adequately sealed to preventleakage in the event of a spill, within the outer container.- Pack batteries so that the fill openings or vents, if any, are upward.- Do not pack with other articles unless authorized by a specific packaging paragraph.
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