AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.328311 DECEMBER 2001A11.8.1.5. Any other Type A, Type B, Type B(U), or Type B(M) packaging that also meets the applicablerequirements for fissile material packaging in section V of the IAEA "Regulations for the Safe Transport ofRadioactive Materials, Safety Series No. 6," or IAEA "Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials,No. TS-R-1” and for which the foreign competent authority certificate has been revalidated by the DOT according to49 CFR 173.473. Authorized only for export and import shipments.A11.8.1.6. A 208 L (55 gallon) steel drum (1A2), subject to the following conditions:-Packaging must meet the PG I performance requirements.-The quantity may not exceed 350 grams of uranium 235 in any nonpyrophoric form, enriched to any degreein the uranium 235 isotope.-Each drum must have a minimum 18-gauge body and bottom head and 16-gauge removable top head withone or more corrugations in the cover near the periphery.-Closures must conform to 49 CFR 178.352.-At least four equally spaced 12 mm (0.5 inch) diameter vent holes must be provided on the sides of thedrum near the top, each covered with weatherproof tape or equivalent device.-Appropriate primary inner containment of the contents and sufficient packaging material, such as plastic ormetal jars or cans, must be provided so that DOT 7A provisions are satisfied by the inner packaging.-Each inner container must be capable of venting if subjected to the thermal test described in 10 CFR Part71.-Liquid contents must be packaged per 49 CFR 173.412.-The maximum weight of contents including internal packaging must not be over 91 kgs (200 pounds) withfissile material content limited as shown in table A11.2:A11.8.1.7. Any metal cylinder that meets the performance requirements of A11.6 and 49 CFR 178.350 for DOT 7AType A packaging may be used for the transport of residual "heels" of enriched solid uranium hexafluoride withouta protective overpack per table A11.3:Table A11.2. Fissile Material Content and Transport Index for UN 1A2 Package.Maximum U-235 perPackage (grams)MinimumTransport Index perPackage as Fissile Class IIMaximum Number of PackagesTransported as a Fissile MaterialControlled Shipment3501.8723001.01292500.52562000.35001500.15001000.150050Note 1Note 2NOTES:1. Transport index is limited by the external radiation levels.2. Maximum number is limited by the total transport index.
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