AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A11.11. Excepted Packages for Limited Quantities of Radioactive Materials. Radioactive materials whose
activity per package is not over the limits specified in A11.15 are excepted from the specification packaging,
marking, labeling and, if not a hazardous substance or a hazardous waste, shipping paper certification requirements
The materials are packaged in strong, tight packages that will not leak any of the radioactive materials
under normal transportation conditions. Packaging must meet the requirements of A3.3.7.1.
The radiation level at any point on the external surface of the package is not over 0.005 mSv/h (0.5
The nonfixed (removable) radioactive surface contamination on the external surface of the package is not
over the limits specified in A3.3.7.11.
Except as provided in A11.16, the package does not contain more than 15 grams of uranium235.
The material is otherwise prepared for shipment as specified in A11.12.
A11.12. Additional Requirements for Excepted Packages Containing Class 7 (Radioactive Materials).
Certify excepted radioactive materials prepared for shipment under A11.11, A11.14, or A11.16 as being
acceptable for transportation by having a notice enclosed in or on the package, included with the packing
list, or otherwise forwarded with the package. This notice must include the name of the consignor or
consignee and one of the following statements as appropriate:
This package conforms to the conditions and limitations specified in 49 CFR 173.421 for radioactive
material, excepted package-limited quantity of material, UN2910";
This package conforms to the conditions and limitations specified in 49 CFR 173.424 for radioactive
material, excepted package-instruments or articles, UN 2910";
This package conforms to the conditions and limitations specified in 49 CFR 173.426 for radioactive
material, excepted package-articles manufactured from natural or depleted uranium, or natural thorium,
This package conforms to the conditions and limitations specified in 49 CFR 173.428 for radioactive
material, excepted package-empty package, UN2910".
A limited quantity of radioactive material classed as Class 7 and prepared for shipment under provisions of
A11.11, A11.13, A11.14, or A11.16 is not subject to the requirements of this manual except for A3.3.7.4,
and incident reporting.
Annotate the DD Form 1387 shipping label "Nonhazardous."
A11.13. Multiple Hazard Limited Quantity of Radioactive Materials. Except as provided in A11.13.2, when a
limited quantity radioactive material meets the definition of another hazard class, it must be:
Classed for the additional hazard.
Packaged to conform to requirements specified in A11.11 or A11.14 as appropriate.
Offered for transportation per requirements applicable to the hazard for which it is classed.
A11.13.1. When a limited quantity radioactive material meets the definition of Class 9 material, or is a combustible
liquid in a packaging having a rated capacity of 110 gallons (416 L) or less, it must be:
Classed as a radioactive material if the material is not a hazardous waste or hazardous substance.
Classed as a Class 9 material if the material is a hazardous waste or hazardous substance.
Packaged to conform to requirements specified in A11.11. or A11.14 as appropriate.
Offered for transportation according to requirements applicable to the hazard for which it is classed.
A11.13.2. When a limited quantity radioactive material which is classed other than a radioactive material under
provisions A11.13 or A11.13.1, it is excepted from requirements of A11.12.1, and attachment 17, if the entry
"Limited quantity radioactive material" appears on the shipping paper in association with the basic description.
A11.14. Excepted Packages for Instruments and Articles. Instruments and manufactured articles (including
clocks, electronic tubes, or apparatus) or similar devices having radioactive materials in gaseous or nondispersible
solid form as a component part are excepted from the specification packaging, marking, labeling, and shipping paper
certification requirements if:
Each package meets the requirements of A3.3.7.1.
The activity of the instrument or article is not over the applicable limit listed in table A11.7.