AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A11.6. Authorized Type A Packages. Use the following packages for shipment, if they do not contain quantities
over A1 or A2 as appropriate:
A11.6.1. DOT 7A Type A General Packaging.
Each shipper of a DOT 7A package must maintain on file for at least 1 year after the latest shipment
complete documentation of tests and an engineering evaluation or comparative data showing that the
construction methods, packaging design, and materials of construction comply with that specification.
Unless otherwise required, the shipper is exempt from maintaining this documentation if it is maintained by
the Inventory Control Point (national stock number managing activity).
DOT 7A packaging designed according to the requirements of 49 CFR 178.350 in effect on 30 June are not
authorized for shipment.
Any other Type A packaging that also meets the applicable standards for fissile materials in 10 CFR Part
71 and authorized in 49 CFR 173.471.
A11.6.2. Any Type B, B(U), or B(M) packaging, authorized in A11.7.
A11.6.3. Any foreign-made packaging that meets the standards of IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of
Radioactive Materials, Safety Series No. 6 or IAEA "Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials,
No. TS-R-1 and bears the marking "Type A" used for the import of radioactive materials. Such packaging may be
used later for domestic and export shipments of radioactive materials only if the offeror obtains the applicable
documentation specified in A11.6.1. The packaging must conform to the requirements of the country of origin (as
indicated by the packaging marking) and the IAEA regulations applicable to Type A packaging.
A11.7. Authorized Type B Packages. Use the following packages for shipment of quantities over A1 or A2, as
A11.7.1. Any Type B, Type B(U), or Type B(M) packaging that meets the applicable requirements in the
regulations of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (10 CFR Part 71) and has been approved by that Commission
may be shipped per 49 CFR 173.471.
A11.7.2. Any Type B, B(U) or B(M) packaging that meets the applicable requirements of the regulations of the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in its Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials,
Safety Series No. 6, or or IAEA "Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials, No. TS-R-1 and for
which the foreign competent authority certificate has been revalidated by DOT according to 49 CFR 173.473.
Authorized only for export and import shipments.
A11.7.3. DOT 6M metal packaging, only for solid or gaseous radioactive materials that will not undergo pressure
generating decomposition at temperatures up to 121 degrees C (250 degrees F) and do not generate more than 10
watts of radioactive decay heat.
A11.7.4. DOT 20WC, wooden protective jacket, when used with a single, snug-fitting inner DOT 2R. For liquid
contents, the inner packaging must comply with 49 CFR 173.412. Not authorized for special form radioactive
A11.7.5. DOT 20WC, wooden protective jacket, with a single, snug-fitting inner Type A packaging that has a metal
outer wall. Radioactive decay heat must not be over 100 watts. Authorized only for special form radioactive
A11.7.6. DOT 21WC, wooden protective overpack, with a single inner DOT 2R. Contents must be loaded within
the inner packaging in a manner to prevent loose movement during transportation. The inner packaging must be
securely positioned and centered within the overpack so that there will be no significant displacement of the inner
packaging if subjected to the 9 meter (30 feet) drop test described in 10 CFR Part 71. Authorized only for special
form radioactive material.
A11.8. Authorized Packaging-Fissile Materials.
A11.8.1. Except as provided in A3.3.7.8, package fissile materials containing not more than A1 or A2 (as
appropriate) in:
A11.8.1.1. DOT 6L, metal packaging, for materials in A11.8.2.1.
A11.8.1.2. DOT 6M, metal packaging, for materials in A11.8.2.2.
A11.8.1.3. Any packaging listed in A11.6, limited to radioactive materials specified in 10 CFR Part 71, Subpart C.
A11.8.1.4. Any other Type A, Type B, Type B(U), or Type B(M) packaging for fissile radioactive materials that
also meets the applicable standards for fissile materials in 10 CFR Part 71.