TM 3-4230-209-30&P
Testing Operation
Boiler Assembly/
Operate the hand-driven reciprocating pump. See
TM 3-1040-251-15.
Test that the low pressure heating boiler assembly withstands a
pressure of 225 psi as indicated on the water pressure gage and the
gage of the hand-driven reciprocating pump. Observe that the pres-
sure of 225 psi, once applied, holds and does not drop after a 5-
minute application.
If pressure testis satisfactory, remove test equipment and return low
pressure heating boiler assembly to service.
If the low-pressure heating boiler assembly shows a pressure drop,
go to Inspection and Repair Operation below.
Inspection and Repair Operation
Look for leaks at:
Sheet metal welds.
Inlet and outlet pipe welds.
and temperature sensing ports.