T.O. 33B-1-1
2. R. Halmshaw, "Industrial Radiology - Theory and Practice," Applied Science Publishers, London, 1982.
3. G.L. Becker, ed., "Radiographic NDT," E.I. dupont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, DE, 1990.
4. Anon., "Radiography in Modem Industry," 4th Edition, Kodak Co., Rochester, NY, 1980.
5. Anon., "Standard Guide for Radiographic Testing," ASTM Standard E94-91, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1991.
6. A. Green, et. al., "Radiographic Inspection, Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control," Vol. 17, Metals
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7. R.H. Herz, The Photographic Action of Ionizing Radiation, Wiley-Interscience, New York, NY, 1969.
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9. Anon., "Standard Terminology for nondestructive Evaluations." ASTM E1316, ASTM Philadelphia, PA, 1991.
10. Anon., "Standard Practices for radioscopic Real-Time Imaging," ASTM E1000, ASTM Philadelphia, PA, 1989.
11. Anon., "Standard Practices for thermal Neutron Radiography of Materials ASTM E748, ASTM, Philadelphia,
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12. Anon., "Standard Guide for Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging," ASTM E1441, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA,
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18. Code of Federal Regulations; Title 10 Parts 19, 20, and 34
19. Dixon, RL, New Concepts in Diagnostic X-Ray Shielding Design RSNA Refresher Course #521, Radiological
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20. Victoreen Products Catalogue, Medical and Health Physics Instruments, 1996.