T.O. 33B-1-1
Testing Of Material in Use.
Control Of In Use Materials.
In-use materials SHALL be periodically tested to assure they are capable of acceptable performance. Frequency of in-
process testing SHALL be as determined in paragraph Some of the in-process checks can be performed in the
process tanks while others are more conveniently performed on small samples taken from the tanks.
Testing Penetrant.
Test the performance of the penetrant material.
a. If the penetrant performance test indicates a loss of sensitivity or brightness, use a set of clean, dry
cracked chrome panels to repeat the material test procedure (paragraph with the following
changes: use reference samples of emulsifier (or remover) and developer.
b. If crack indications on the two panels show clearly visible differences in sensitivity, brightness or color,
the penetrant SHALL be discarded as oil waste. If there is little or no difference in the crack
indications, clean the panels and repeat the performance test procedure to test the emulsifier (or
remover) or if necessary, developer. Use reference materials on both panels except for the respective
working material on one panel at the appropriate point in the process.
Additional tests to determine the total working condition of the penetrant include.
a. Surface Wetting: Apply a small amount of penetrant to the clean, shiny surface of commercially
available aluminum foil with a cotton swab. After 10 minutes observe to ensure the penetrant readily
wets the surface and the penetrant film does not retract or form beads.
b. Penetrant Brightness (Depot; optional for Field):
Pour 10 milliliters (ml) of Type I (fluorescent) Method A (water washable), Method B
(postemulsifiable, lipophilic) or Method D (postemulsifiable, hydrophilic) in-use production line
penetrant into a graduated cylinder. Allow penetrant to drain down the inside cylinder walls.
Pour out excess penetrant and clean off the outside of the cylinder.
Fill the graduated cylinder to the 100-ml level with an approved solvent.
Stopper the graduated cylinder and invert several times to mix the contents. Do not shake or
agitate vigorously.
Cut filter paper into quarters and using tweezers, insert a quartered piece of filter paper into the
cylinder mixture, withdraw the paper and set it aside to air dry.
Discard the contents of the graduated cylinder and clean and dry the cylinder with an approved
solvent (Specification O-C-265 or equal). Dry with clean filtered compressed air.
Pour 10 ml of Type I (fluorescent) Method A (water washable), Method B (postemulsifiable
lipophilic) or Method D (postemulsifiable hydrophilic) new (reference) penetrant into the
graduated cylinder. Allow penetrant to drain down the cylinder walls. Pour out excess penetrant
and clean off the outside of the cylinder.
Fill the graduated cylinder to the 100-ml level with an approved solvent.
Stopper the graduated cylinder and invert several times to mix contents. Do not shake or agitate