T.O. 33B-1-1
or lot of materials. The suggested quantity of wet developers in the dry condition is 2 pounds with a 2 pound sample of
dry developer solid. A minimum sample size for penetrant systems that have an occasional workload (see paragraph requiring fewer process control checks, SHALL be as stated in paragraph Each depot and base
SHALL be responsible for determining the sample size required for its workload. The reference sample SHALL be
large enough to permit the required process control checks during the life of the material and still have a quantity of
reference sample to run a comparison check against the new materials when the old solution is finally discarded.
Sample Handling and Storage.
Care must be exercised in obtaining, handling, and storage of the reference samples to prevent contamination or
degradation. The containers SHALL be metal or glass since many plastics are attacked by the penetrant oils and
solvents. The same restriction applies to the seals or washers in the container lids. The sample containers SHALL be
clean, dry, and have tight fitting lids or covers. The devices used for obtaining the sample must not contain traces of
other batch or lot materials. The samples SHALL be stored in a cool area and not exposed to sunlight, black lights or
high intensity white lights.
Quality Conformance Testing.
The following procedures SHALL be used to verify the quality conformance of newly received materials:
a. For materials that are not centrally procured using a generic stock number, the NDI laboratory
supervisor SHALL review the test report and SHALL accomplish a system performance test comparing
the newly received material against the process control reference sample (paragraph that
was used to check the in-use material (paragraph 1.5.5). Compare old penetrant to replacement.
b. The newly received material may be accepted when both the system performance test and the test report
are positive. (Test reports and quality conformance tests are not required for materials centrally
procured using generic national stock numbers).
c. If a test report is required but not received with the material, the NDI supervisor SHALL check with
base procurement to see if a test report was received. If a test report is not available, a test sample may
be sent per paragraph or tested per paragraph Test reports are not required for
generic National Stock Numbers (NSNs).
d. If the system performance test results are not conclusive or the test report (if required) is not available, a
sample selected in accordance with paragraph SHALL be submitted to: AFRL/MLSA Bldg
652, 2179 Twelfth Street Ste. 1, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base OH 45433-7718. AFRL/MLSA will
provide the submitting field laboratory a test report with the results of the quality conformance tests and
recommend acceptance or rejection of the batch or lot of materials.
e. Depots Only: Depots with appropriate analytical equipment and competent technicians to perform the
required tests may test the following properties for compliance with ASM 2644 in accordance with
applicable procedures referenced in the specification: flash point of penetrants and lipophilic
emulsifiers, viscosity of penetrants and emulsifiers, fluorescent brightness of penetrants, thermal
stability of penetrants, water tolerance of water washable penetrants and lipophilic emulsifiers,
redispersibility of nonaqueous wet and aqueous suspended developers, developer fluorescence, penetrant
removability, and water content of hydrophilic remover concentrate.