TM 5-6635-386-12&P
Always wear your beta-gamma badge or TLD
badge when operating the tester and upon
entering tester storage areas, and at other times
as directed by the Local Radiation Protection
Officer (LRPO).
There is no danger to the Army Community and
the general public when the tester is used,
transported, stored, serviced and leak tested
according to Section IV of this manual. Normal
radiation exposure from a properly operating
tester is far less than the maximum allowed
dosage of 1.25 rem per calendar quarter, on an
accumulated calendar year dosage of 5 rem.
Always keep in mind how close you are to the
tester when it is operating. Distance from the tester is
your best precaution.
At any given distance, no matter how far
or how close to the tester, when that distance is doubled
going away from the tester, radiation exposure gets four
times weaker.
At any given distance, no matter how far
or how close to the tester, when that distance is cut in
half going toward the tester, radiation gets four times
Always stand at least 5 feet away from the
tester when it is operating.
Complete taking measurements as quickly
as possible.
You are authorized to carry the tester only
by its handle or in its carrying case. In either instance,
the handle must be locked in the SAFE position.
A busy workday can result in as many as 30
measurements. A busy workweek could result in 5 days
of extensive measurements.
Even with extensive use, the dose to be
expected from a properly operating and used tester is
only 1/400 of the maximum allowed dose.
Thirty (30) measurements per day times
10 seconds per measurement equals 300 seconds or 5
minutes per day of exposure at 2 feet from the tester.
Five (5) days times 5 minutes equals 25
minutes, rounded off to 30 minutes.
One-half hour times 1/2 mrem/hr equals
only 1/4 mrem exposure during a busy workweek.
Operators are allowed an average weekly
dosage of 100 mrem.
Keep the curious away when you are on
the job, but dont frighten people by making it a big thing.
Always place the handle in the SAFE
position when the tester is not in use.
Store the tester under lock and key when
not in use. Only radiation protection officers and
operators shall have access to tester and carrying case
Make it a habit to routinely wear your
betagamma film badge or TLD badge. Store the badge
at an approved location.
Do not intentionally expose the Cs 137
source to air by extending it out of the tester in the 2, 4, 6
or 8-inch transmission positions. Do not withdraw the
source from the measurement site before returning the
handle from the SAFE position.
Work fast and keep proper distance
from the tester.