TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - ContinuedTroubleProbable causeCorrective action9.(Cont)b.(Cont)(3) Turn on switch S1 on power sup-ply. Depress TRANSMITTERRESYNC switch S2. Waitabout 5 minutes for system tostabilize. During 5-minute sta-bilization period, check powersupply. Set multimeter to dcvolts and connect negativelead to chassis (ground). Con-nect positive lead to powersupply, TB2-3. Meter shouldindicate 20 ±1 vdc. Connectpositive lead to TB2-5. Metershould indicate 5 ±0.25 vdc.Connect lead to TB2-2.Meter should indicate 28 ±2vdc. Turn mode switch toTEST/RESET and then toSECURE.c.Bad aca.Tag, remove, and isolate Data Transmit-presenceter or Monitor Cabinet wires fromcircuitry.TB6 and TB7. Set multimeter toohms and connect leads to TB6,terminal S-3 and TB7, terminalS-3R. If AC POWER indicatorlight DS1 is on, meter should in-dicate less than 2,000 ohms. Ifindicator light DS1 is off, metershould indicate more than100,000 ohms.b.If meter indications are not correct, turnoff switch S1 on power supply. Con-nect meter leads to TB3-1 and TB6,terminal S-3, and then to TB3-2and TB7, terminal S-3R.c.If meter indicates more than 100,000ohms, inspect wires for broken orloose connections. Resolder anybad connections.5-116
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