TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - ContinuedTroubleProbable causeCorrective action8.(Cont)Bad alarmSlide board straight in until itidentificationcontacts receptacle at back ofcircuitry.processor. Then press firmly on(Cont)board until it seats completelyin receptacle.9.Impropera.Bad AC Powera.Ensure switch S1 on CU power supplyAC indi-indicatoris on.cations.lamp, DS1.b.Set multimeter to ac volts and connectleads to terminals on back of ACPOWER indicator lamp. Metershould indicate 6.3 ±1 vac.c.If voltage indication is correct, replaceAC POWER indicator lamp, DS1.(1) To remove AC POWER indicatorlamp, unscrew plastic lensfrom front side of door. Grasplamp, press in, rotate counter-clockwise, and pull out.(2) To install new AC POWER indica-tor lamp, insert it in socket,press in, and rotate clockwiseuntil it locks in place. Putplastic lens over lamp, andscrew in place.b.Bad ac linea.Carefully remove power supply cover.fuse, powerSet multimeter to ac volts andsupply, orconnect leads to power supplyno ac powerTB5-1 and 2.b.If meter indicates 0 volts, connect meterleads to TB1-1 and 2. If meter in-dicates 115 vac, replace ac line fuseF1.(1) To remove fuse F1, turn off switchS1 on top of power supply.Grasp knob on top of fuseholder and unscrew about 1/4turn. Pull knob straight out;fuse will come with it. Pull fuseout of knob.5-113
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