TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10
Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
Bad alarm
Turn mode switch to SECURE and then
to TEST/RESET. Set multimeter
to dc volts. Connect positive meter
lead to A1-TP1 (brown) and nega-
tive lead to chassis (ground). Note
meter indication. Connect positive
meter lead to A1-TP2, red, and neg-
ative lead to chassis (ground). Note
meter indication. Repeat these
steps for PC boards A2, A3, A4,
AS, and A6. A meter indication
of 18.5 to 21 vdc on any TP1 indi-
cates an intrusion alarm condition
for the sensor or group of sensors
connected to that PC board. A
meter indication of 18.5 to 21 vdc
on any TP2 indicates a tamper alarm
condition for the sensor or group
of sensors connected to that PC
board. A meter indication of less
than 0.5 vdc means no alarm.
Set multimeter to dc volts and connect
positive meter lead to PC board
A7-TP1 (brown), and negative lead
to chassis (ground). Push TAS
plunger all the way in, and then
pull plunger all the way out. Meter
should indicate less than 0.5 vdc
for both switch positions. Depress
TAS plunger and then release.
Meter should indicate 18.5 to 21
Set meter to dc volts and connect nega-
tive lead to chassis. Connect posi-
tive lead to TP1 (brown), on PC
board A1 through A6, in turn. If
an intrusion alarm is indicated by
18.5 to 21 vdc on any TP1, inspect
LEDs. If wrong LED is lighted, or
if no LEDs are lighted, connect
positive meter lead to each of seven
gold pins on PC board A12. If
meter indicates 20 vdc on bottom
pin, and 0 volts on other six pins,
replace PC board A12.