TM 5-3740-214-14
Use distilled water or a good grade drinking water (excluding drinking water).
(a) Remove the cell caps and check the electrolyte level. Add distilled water if necessary.
(b) Check the specific gravity.
(c) If the specific gravity is between 1.250 and 1.280 the battery cell being tested is okay.
(d) If the specific gravity is between 1.225 and 1.250 the cell being tested is still in fair condition.
(e) If the specific gravity is below 1.150 in any one cell, replace the battery.
(f) If the specific gravity in one cell is 0.050 more or less than the other cells and charging does not
bring the charge to a 50% charge, replace the battery.
(4) Charge the battery.
(a) If the battery does not hold a charge, replace the battery.
(b) If the battery holds a charge, return the battery to the battery box.
Figure 5-292. Battery Cable Test
(a) Connect a meter lead to each end of the wire being tested.
(b) Wiggle the wire.
(c) If the wire conducts a current, it is ok.
(d) If the wire does not conduct, replace it.
(e) If any of the wires or insulation are frayed, broken or cracked, replace them.
*U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1991 554-123/20070
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