TM 5-3740-214-14
BE ALERT to wear adequate respirator, rubber gloves, and coveralls when filling or working with
the insecticide tank. The insecticide chemicals can be harmful.
BE ALERT to read and follow the insecticide safety instructions on the container label.
BE ALERT at all times not to spill or splash insecticide on yourself. If insecticide comes in contact
with your skin or eyes, follow the medical treatment instructions on the insecticide label.
DO NOT breathe the fumes from the insecticide. If you begin to feel the effects of the fumes,
remove yourself to a well-ventilated area and follow the medical treatment instructions on the
insecticide label.
(4) Add the correct insecticide to the formulation tank. Do not fill the tank to the top. Leave at least two inches of air
DO NOT use tools to tighten filler cap retaining screw. Tighten the knob by hand only.
excessive force is used it will damage the cap and the knob.
(5) Place filler cap back on the tank.
Make sure cap is seated correctly.
Turn cap bracket up to the correct position.
Tighten filler cap retaining screw by hand.
Figure 2-25. Nozzle Adjustment Nuts