AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
- Do not ship explosives that have been dropped any distance until inspected by qualified Munitions/EOD
- Air terminal personnel must not repack leaking or otherwise damaged shipments of explosives and
ammunition unless an ammunition inspector is present.
- Onward shipment of suspected or damaged explosives may be made provided the shipment is inspected,
repacked, and certified to be in proper condition for safe transport. Qualified personnel must sign the
Propellants that are unstable, condemned, or deteriorated.
Nitroglycerin, diethylene glycol dinitrate, or any other liquid explosives not specifically authorized by
attachment 5.
A loaded firearm except as authorized by chapter 3.
Fireworks that combine an explosive and a detonator.
Fireworks containing yellow or white phosphorus.
A toy torpedo whose outside dimension exceeds 23 mm (0.906 in), or a toy torpedo containing a mixture of
potassium chlorate, black antimony (antimony sulphide), and sulphur if the weight of the explosive material
in the device exceeds 0.26 g (0.01 oz).
Explosives specifically forbidden in table A4.1.
HA3.3.1.2. Explosive Classification Approval. Explosives, explosive devices, and munitions, including
commercial and foreign, to be eligible for military air transportation must be either assigned a DoD classification or
meet the provisions for transport without a DoD classification according to TB 700-2, NAVSEAINST 8020.8B, TO
11A-1-47, DLAR 8220.1, DoD Ammunition and Explosive Hazard Classification Procedures. All explosives
assigned a National Stock Number (NSN) and indexed in the Joint Hazard Classification System (JHCS) are
approved for movement by military controlled aircraft. Unless listed in the JHCS, a copy of the classification
approval document (final or IHC) must accompany the shipment. A copy is not required for 1.4S munitions.
Transport explosives not listed in the JHCS only under one of the following conditions:
Assigned a DoD final or interim hazard classification (IHC) by a DoD classification authority according to
TB 700-2, NAVSEAINST 8020.8B, TO 11A-1-47, DLAR 8220.1. This includes foreign owned or
manufactured explosives (except under the provisions of 3.12) and commercial fireworks.
Assigned a DOE final or interim hazard classification (IHC).
Assigned a DOT approved final hazard classification and EX number, and listed in Table A4.1, Column 7
(Special Provision) as "A69".
An explosive classified as 1.4S in accordance with a foreign issued CAA or Special Approval document.
A3.3.1.3. Explosive Safety. Comply with AFMAN 91-201 (Air Force), TM 9-1300-206 (Army), and NAVSEA
OP 5 (Navy) for safety precautions, standards, and rules when operating in an environment with explosives.
A3.3.2. Class 2.
A3.3.2.1. Cylinder Requirements. Comply with Title 49 CFR and this manual for shipping compressed gas
cylinders, including safety relief devices. Requirements covering cylinders also apply to spherical pressure vessels.
Reference DLAR 4145.25/AR 700-68/ NAVSUPINST 4440.128B/MCO 10330.2B/AFR 67-12 for additional data
on compressed gas cylinders.
Cylinders or spherical pressure vessels must not contain gases or materials capable of combining chemically
so as to endanger their serviceability. Make sure all cylinders, including closing devices and cushioning
materials, are in good condition so that their contents are well protected during transit.
Close each cylinder containing poisonous materials with a plug or valve meeting the following
Each plug or valve must have a taper-threaded connection directly to the cylinder and be capable of
withstanding the test pressure of the cylinder.
Each valve must be of the packless type with nonperforated diaphragm, except that for corrosive
materials, the valve may be of the packed type, provided the assembly is made gas-tight by means of a
seal cap with gasketed joint attached to the valve body of the cylinder to prevent loss of material
through or past the packing.
Each valve outlet must be sealed by a threaded cap or threaded solid plug.
Cylinders, valves, plugs, outlet caps, luting, and gaskets must be compatible with each other and with
the material.