AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
A3.3.3.2. Pads and Swabs. Pads and swabs soaked with a flammable liquid and sealed in a bag are not subject to
the requirements of this manual.
A3.3.3.3. Alcoholic Beverages. Alcoholic beverages in packagings of five liters or less are not subject to the
requirements of this manual.
HA3.3.4. Class 4.
A3.3.4.1. Packaging. Unless otherwise specified by a packaging paragraph, package a material identified as PG III
in table A4.1 in a container that meets the PG I or II performance level.
A3.3.4.2. Flameless Ration Heaters (FRH). FRH packaged as a component of meals-ready-to-eat are not subject
to the
requirements of this manual.
A3.3.4.3. Charcoal Briquettes. Lump charcoal briquettes, packaged in a form suitable for consumer use, generally
will not meet the classifying criteria of a Class 4.2 spontaneously combustible material. If the charcoal briquettes do
not meet the definition of a Class 4.2 material, it is not subject to any other requirements of this manual. Ensure the
specific type and form of charcoal being shipped does not meet the definition of a Class 4.2 material and passed the
self-heating test for carbon (which indicates that it is not spontaneously combustible).
A3.3.5. Class 5.
A3.3.5.1. Packed with Other Materials. Do not pack Class 5 materials in the same outside container with
corrosive liquids, unless the corrosive liquids are in bottles cushioned by incombustible absorbent material in tightly
closed metal containers. Class 5 materials in securely closed metal cans and in quantities not over 118 ml (4
ounces), are acceptable for air shipment if packed in the same compartment with other securely packed materials
necessary for a complete fumigant.
A3.3.5.2. Packaging. Unless otherwise specified by a packaging paragraph, package a material identified as PG III
in table A4.1 in a container that meets the PG I or II performance level.
HA3.3.6. Class 6. Do not place any liquid toxic material on the same 463L pallet with foodstuffs or rations.
A3.3.7. Class 7.
A3.3.7.1. General Design Requirements. Design each package used for shipment of radioactive materials so that:
The package can be easily handled and properly secured during transport.
Each lifting attachment on the package, when used in the intended manner, with a minimum safety factor of
three, does not impose an unsafe stress on the structure of the package. In addition, design the lifting
attachment so that failure under excessive load does not impair the ability of the package to meet all other
requirements of this attachment and attachment 11. Remove, make inoperable for tranport, or design with
equivalent strength for lifting each attachment or other feature on the outer surface of the packaging that
could be used to lift the package.
The external surface, as far as practical, may be easily decontaminated.
The outer layer of packaging avoids, as far as practicable, pockets or crevices where water might collect.
Each feature that is added to the package at the time of transport, and is not a part of the package, does not
reduce the safety of the package.
The package will be capable of withstanding the effects of any acceleration, vibration, or vibration
resonance that may occur during transportation without any deterioration in the effectiveness of the of any
of the closing devices or in the integrity of the package and without loosening or unintentionally releasing
the nuts, bolts, or other securing devices.
The packaging materials and any components will be physically and chemically compatible with each other
and the contents.
All valves through which the package contents could escape will be protected against unauthorized
A3.3.7.2. Additional Design Requirements for Type A and B Packages.
In addition to meeting the general design requirements each Type A packaging must also meet the design
requirements of 49 CFR 173.412 and test requirements of 49 CFR 173.461.
Each type B(U) or type B(M) package must meet the design and test requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.
A3.3.7.3. Radiation Level and Thermal Limitations.
Design each package of radioactive materials so that:
The radiation level is not more than 2 mSv/h (200 mrem/h) at any point on the external surface of the
The transport index is not over 10.