AFMAN 24-204(I)/TM 38-250/NAVSUP PUB 505/MCO P4030.19H/ DLAI 4145.3
11 DECEMBER 2001
other inside boxes. Do not pack more than 500 caps in inside boxes. The construction of the cap or packaging, and
the kind and quantity of explosives in each, is such that the explosion of a part of the caps in the completed package
does not cause the explosion of all the caps. Package percussion caps in fiberboard boxes, DOT 12B, also:
A27.7.4.1. Do not pack more than 100 caps each in inside metal cans. Not more than 10 metal cans each must then
be overpacked in a chipboard box. Pack no more than five chipboard boxes in the 12B fiberboard box. The
completed package must be such that an explosion of a part of the caps will not cause the explosion of all the caps.
A27.7.4.2. Pack no more than 100 caps each in inside plastic cans. The plastic cans must then be packed in a
chipboard box with not more than eight such chipboard boxes tightly packed in the DOT 12B fiberboard box. The
completed package must be such that an explosion of part of the caps will not cause the explosion of all of the caps.
The gross weight of one outside package must not be more than 150 pounds.
A27.8. Fuze, Combination; Fuze, Percussion; Fuze, Time; Fuze, Tracer; or Tracer. Package in strong, tight,
outside wooden boxes, triple-wall fiberboard boxes, or DOT 23F fiberboard boxes. Special provisions must be
made for securing individual packages of fuzes or tracers against movement in the box. The gross weight of each
wooden or fiberboard box must not be more than 150 pounds. The gross weight of each DOT 23F fiberboard box
must not be over 65 pounds.
A27.9. Common Fireworks, Signal Flares, Hand Signal Devices, Smoke Signals, Smoke Candles, Smoke
Grenades, Smoke Pots, and Very Signal Cartridges must be packaged as follows:
A27.9.1. Wooden boxes, DOT 15A, 16A, 19A, or 19B. The gross weight must not be over 100 pounds, however, a
gross weight of 500 pounds is authorized for wooden boxes with very signal cartridges only.
A27.9.2. Fiberboard boxes, DOT 12B. The gross weight of fiberboard boxes must not be over 65 pounds.
A27.9.3. Watertight, aluminum drums, 8 inches in diameter, having a rubber gasket and a positive closure. These
are authorized only for smoke pots.
A27.9.4. Smoke signals may be packed two each in a Navy-designated preformed polystyrene container banded
with pressure-sensitive tape. Pallet loads must have a 2-foot high, ¼-inch plywood border around the lower portion
of the load. Each polystyrene case may be overwrapped in a heat-sealed polystyrene bag. The minimum thickness
of the bag must be 0.006 inch. Eighteen such containers may be consolidated in a MIL-B-43096, type II, class 2,
wirebound wooden box. Each face of the box must be lined with PPP-F-320, type W6C or equal fiberboard.
A27.9.5. Fireworks, such as sparklers, with match tip or head, or similar igniting point or surface, must have each
individual tip, head, or similar ignition point or surface entirely covered and securely protected against accidental
contact or friction. Except as otherwise specified above, the gross weight of one outside package containing
common fireworks must not be over 100 pounds.
A27.10. Cord, Detonating; Fuse, Mild Detonating, Metal Clad; and Flexible Linear Shaped Charges, Metal
Clad. Package in wooden or fiberboard boxes or shipping containers approved by military specification or
A27.11. Detonating, Fuzes, Class C Explosives. Packaging requirements:
A27.11.1. Package in fiberboard boxes, DOT 12H, with or without liners, with well-secured inside paperboard
cartons. Suitable filler or lining materials must be used to prevent movement in the box.
A27.11.2. In well-secured, strong, tight outside wooden or metal boxes approved by military specification or
drawing. The gross weight of the outside wooden or metal box must not be over 190 pounds.
A27.12. Detonating Primers, Class A Explosives and Detonating Primers, Class C Explosives. Packaging
A27.12.1. Wooden boxes, DOT 14, 15A, 16A, or 19B, or fiberboard boxes DOT 12H, 23F, or 23H.
A27.12.2. Shipping containers approved by military specification or drawing.
A27.13. Explosive Bomb; Explosive Mine; Explosive Projectile; Explosive Torpedo; Grenade, Hand,
Explosive; and Grenade, Rifle, Explosive. Packaging requirements:
A27.13.1. Pack and secure explosive bombs, mines, projectiles, torpedoes, or grenades in strong wooden or metal
boxes, except as provided in (2) below.
A27.13.2. Explosive bombs, mines, projectiles, torpedoes, over 90 pounds in weight, and explosive projectiles of
not less than 4 ½ inches in diameter, may be shipped unboxed if securely fastened to pallets or securely blocked and