TM 10-5410-228-10
4.12.6 Seal Clothing in Bag.
Once all over garments are placed in a trash bag, seal it with tape. Mark your name on the bag for
reuse of the clothing later. Leave the bag in the airlock. The next person entering will remove it from
the airlock.
4.12.7 CAM/ICAM Check and Unmasking.
The CAM/ICAM operator in the CBPS first checks the airlock to see that the purging is complete and
that the soldier has no agent vapor on his/her clothing. The soldier's mask is removed and placed in
the M1A1 waterproofing bag. The bag is sealed with a rubber band and taken into the CBPS. The
gloves are left on the airlock floor for reuse on exiting.
4.12.8 Exiting Airlocks.
Patients, non-patients, or equipment exiting the CBPS through either the TALP or Ambulatory
airlock can do so without waiting any length of time after the inside door is secured. Prior to the
next entry into the airlock of patients, non-patients, or equipment exiting the CBPS there has to be a
three-minute purge time. Check airlock with CAM/ICAM before opening airlock again.
a. One soldier on the team inside the CBPS will be designated as the CAM/ICAM operator. This soldier
will be trained in the CAM/ICAM operating and monitoring procedures.
b. The CAM/ICAM should be turned on as soon as it is known that chemically contaminated patients
are to be received. It must be warmed up, preferably for 30 minutes, and be cleared and confidence-
tested before it can be used for monitoring. Refer to TM 3-6665-331-10 or TM 3-6665-343-10 for
operating instructions.
Confidence checks are performed in both the G and H modes. A confidence check is also performed
after monitoring each patient.
d. In monitoring, place the CAM/ICAM inlet about 1/2 inch from the surface being monitored. The
greater the distance, the less likely the CAM/ICAM is to respond to the contamination.
As soon as any bar readings appear, pull the CAM/ICAM away and/or put on its cap.
Monitor the areas that would most likely be contaminated first: The hair; near wounds where the
garment was broken; at the neck, ankles and waist.
g. If contamination is found, stop monitoring and note the general location. Use the 0.5% chlorine
solution (with soap) for spot decontamination of skin or hair.
h. Replace the black cap on the CAM/ICAM nozzle between patients, even though the display may be
showing no bars.
Before switching modes or turning off the CAM/ICAM, always clear it by putting on the inlet cover
and waiting for a zero bar reading in both modes.
a. The CAM/ICAM operator in the CBPS will open the inner airlock door just enough to extend the
CAM/ICAM to the head of the litter patient. The operator holds the CAM/ICAM tip within 1/2 inch of
the patient's hair for ten seconds, then withdraws it, closes the door, and reads the display. If there
is no indication of agent, the operator switches to the second mode and takes a second reading at the
patient's head.
b. If the CAM/ICAM shows a positive reading, the operator keeps the airlock door closed and allows the
airlock to purge for an additional three minutes. Then the operator checks the airlock again.