T.O. 33B-1-1
Glossary 98
WEAR FACE (UT): A device attached to the face of a search unit to prevent wear of the transducer element.
WEDGE (UT): A device used to direct ultrasonic energy into a test part at an angle; also, see SHOE.
WEDGE FILTER (RT): A filter so constructed that its thickness varies continuously or in steps from one edge to the
other. Wedge filters may be used to increase the uniformity of radiation in certain types of exposures.
WELD BEAD: A deposit of filler metal from a single welding pass.
WELD CRACK: A crack in weld metal.
WELDING STRESS: Residual stress caused by localized heating and cooling during welding.
WELD LINE: The junction of the weld metal and the base metal, or the junction of the base-metal parts when filler
metal is not used.
WELD METAL: That portion of a weld which has been melted during welding.
WELD NUGGET: The weld metal in spot, seam or projection welding.
WELD STRUCTURES: The micro-structures of a weld deposit and heat affected base metal.
WET CONTINUOUS PROCESS (MT): The method of applying the wet suspension to the inspection surfaces just prior
to applying the magnetizing current.
WET DEVELOPER (IT): A developer in which the developing powder is applied as a suspension or solution in a
liquid, usually water.
WET METHOD (MT): The magnetic particle inspection method employing ferromagnetic particles suspended in a
liquid bath.
WETTING ACTION (MT): The ability of a solution to adhere to the surface of an object.
WETTING AGENT (RT, MT): In film processing, a chemical additive to the final water rinse to promote complete
wetting of the film, thus assuring adequate washing away and neutralization of the prior processing solutions and
prevention of water spots during the drying cycle. In magnetic particle inspection a material added to liquid that
enables it to wet and cover surfaces that the liquid itself would ordinarily not wet.
WHEEL SEARCH UNIT (UT): Ultrasonic device which couples ultrasonic energy to a test part through the rolling
contact area of a wheel containing a liquid and one or more transducer elements.
WHITE CAST IRON: Cast iron that gives a white fracture because the carbon is in a combined form.
WHOLE BODY: Means, for purposes of external exposure, head, trunk (including male gonads), arms above the elbow
or legs above the knee.
WIRE PENETRAMETER (RT): An image quality indicator incorporating a series of wires that are graded in diameter
and usually of similar material to the specimen under examination.
WOBBULATION (ET): An effect which produces variations in an output signal of a test system and arises from
variations in coil spacing due to lateral motion of the test specimen in passing through an encircling coil.