T.O. 33B-1-1
Glossary 93
TRANSDUCER (UT): An electroacoustical device for converting electrical energy into acoustical energy and vice
TRANSDUCER ELEMENT (UT): A piezoelectric element in a search unit.
TRANSFER: Compensation for differences in signal amplitude from equivalent reflectors in a test part and the
reference standard used in an inspection.
TRANSIENT CURRENTS: These currents are of short duration, generated by sudden changes in the electrical or
magnetic conditions existing in an electrical or magnetic circuit.
TRANSMISSION ANGLE (UT): The incident angle of the transmitted ultrasonic beam. It is zero degrees when the
ultrasonic beam is perpendicular to the test surface.
TRANSMISSION CHARACTERISTICS (UT): Test part characteristics that influence the transmitting and receiving
of ultrasonic energy in an inspection; includes surface effects and internal effects.
TRANSMISSION TARGET (RT): A relatively thin target so arranged that the X-ray beam emerges from the surface
opposite that on which the electron stream is incident.
TRANSMITTER (UT): Search unit or transducer element, used to generate ultrasonic energy to be transmitted into a
test part.
TRANSVERSE: Literally, across, usually signifying a direction or plane perpendicular to the direction of working.
TREES: Visible projections of electrodeposited metal formed at sites of high current density.
TREPANNING: A type of boring where an annular cut is made into a solid material with the coincidental formation of
a plug or solid cylinder.
TRITIUM: A radioactive isotope of hydrogen with two neutrons and one proton in the nucleus. It is heavier than
deuterium (heavy hydrogen). Tritium is used in industrial thickness gages, as a label in tracer experiments, and in
controlled fusion experiments.
TUBE CURRENT (RT): The current flowing between the cathode and anode during the generation of radiation by an
X-ray tube.
TUBE DIAPHRAGM (RT): An adjustable device, normally attached to a tube housing, that limits the cross section of
the emergent X-ray beam.
TUBE FILTER (RT): A filter that can be attached to the X-ray tube housing.
TUBE HOUSING (RT): An enclosure that contains an X-ray tube and has a port through which the useful beam is
emitted. The tube housing may also contain transformers and other appropriate components.
TUBE RATING (RT): The maximum electrical power (in watts) that can be safely applied to an X-ray tube for a
specified period.
TUBE SHIELD (RT): The housing of an X-ray tube that normally provides protection against electric shock and
affords a degree of protection against radiation.