T.O. 33B-1-1
Glossary 99
WORKLOAD (RT): The output of a radiation machine or a radioactive source integrated over a suitable time and
expressed in appropriate units.
WROUGHT IRON: A commercial iron consisting of slag (iron silicate) fibers entrained in a ferrite matrix.
X-RADIOGRAPHY (RT): The process of producing radiographs using X-rays.
X-RAYS (RT): A form of radiant energy resulting from the bombardment of a suitable target by electrons produced in a
vacuum by the application of high voltages. X-rays have wavelengths between 10-11 cm and 10-6 cm.
X-RAY FILM (RT): A film base that is coated (usually on both sides) with an emulsion designed for use with X-rays.
X-RAY PAPER (RT): White paper coated on one side with emulsion for use with or without an intensifying screen. It
is suitable for use with X-rays.
X-RAY SPECTROMETER (RT): An instrument used to determine the wavelengths of X-rays and the relative
intensities of different wavelengths in an X-ray beam.
X-RAY SPECTROSCOPY (RT): The study of X-ray spectrums and their interpretation.
X-RAY TUBE: A glass vacuum tube that decelerates the high velocity electrons, and produces X-rays.
X-RAY TUBE (RT): A vacuum tube intended for the production of X-rays by bombarding the anode with a beam of
electrons accelerated under a difference of potential between anode and cathode.
X-RAY TUBE ASSEMBLY (RT): A tube housing with the tube installed. It may include high voltage and filament
transformers and other appropriate elements when they are contained within the tube housing.
XERO-RADIOGRAPHY (RT): A process using the photoconductive property of amorphous selenium to produce a
radiological image, instead of photographic film.
YIELD POINT: The load (in psig) at which a marked increase in deformation occurs without an increase in load.
YIELD STRENGTH: The stress at which a material exhibits a specified deviation from proportionality of stress and
strain. An offset of 0.2% is used for many metals.
YOKE (MT): A C shaped piece of soft magnetic material either solid or laminated, around which is wound a coil
carrying the magnetizing current.
YOKE MAGNETIZATION (MT): A longitudinal magnetic field induced in a part, or in an area of a part, by means of
an external electromagnet shaped like a yoke.