T.O. 33B-1-1
When entering the area after inactivation of the radiation source, radiographers shall use a suitable
calibrated survey meter to assure that the source has returned to its off position or that X-rays are
no longer being produced.
Operating Procedures.
The following are minimum mandatory requirements that must be adhered to when performing radiographic
inspection operations in unshielded areas:
Industrial X-ray or sealed gamma-ray sources will be used in unshielded areas by only qualified radi-
ographers and with written approval of the Radiation Safety Officer. (Devices generating Very High
Radiation areas shall not be used in unshielded areas without prior written approval from the applicable
MAJCOM Headquarters.)
In addition to the radiation producing equipment the following equipment must be readily available for use at
the site selected for radiographic purposes.
At least two serviceable, properly calibrated, radiation survey meters authorized for use with X-ray or
gamma radiography operations. One instrument shall be placed by the operators console and other
utilized for surveys of the perimeter as appropriate. Each radiation survey meter shall be checked for
acceptable response to radiation using the provided check source prior to the first operation of the day
or shift, and after suspected damage such as would occur if dropped.
A minimum of one pocket dosimeter and/or one personal alarming dosimeter, and one TLD badge for
each radiographer involved in the radiography operations.
An interlock assembly designed to prevent irradiation unless a properly functioning warning light is
connected in the circuit.
At least two 250-foot coils of rope with sufficient supporting stands (recommended).
Radiation warning signs: sufficient quantity of each required type, i.e., Caution, Radiation Area and
Caution, or Danger High Radiation Area and Danger, Very High Radiation Area.
For X-ray equipment, at least 75 feet of power cable and coolant hose; or as recommended by the
equipment manufacturer.
A rotating/f lashing strobe-type (blinking, low intensity, warning lights shall not be used) red light
and a radiation warning sign stating X-ray ON (or SHUTTER OPEN for gamma radiography),
when the light is lit. The sign shall be as close to the radiation source as possible and still be visible
from all angles of approach, and shall be connected to the control circuit in such a manner that the
sign is ON when the radiation source is activated.
For night radiographic operations, sufficient lighting equipment to illuminate the area.
A minimum of 500 feet (150 meters) of commercially available barrier material which states
CAUTION RADIATION AREA (bright yellow background with magenta letters and radiation
symbol) and self supporting stands may be used to cordon off the affected area.
Restricted Area.
Radiographic operations in unshielded facilities require an initial evaluation of the exposure area to
determine the bounds of the area to be restricted during exposure.
A restricted area means any area to which access is controlled by the individual in charge of radiation
protection for the purpose of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive
materials. This implies that a restricted area is one that requires control of access, occupancy and
working conditions for radiation protection purposes.
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