T.O. 33B-1-1
frequency not to exceed six months. A log, initialed by the individual making the inspection, shall be
A qualified radiographer shall be present at the console panel during all radiographic exposures and
will be the only person authorized to operate radiography equipment. A calibrated survey instrument
shall be available for immediate use by the radiographer during all radiographic operations.
Except when conducting daily verification of safety interlock operation and in emergencies, door
interlocks will not be used to terminate the exposure. The exposure shall be terminated at the control
When radiographic exposures have been completed, the power safety-switch key shall be removed
from the control panel. The radiation-producing equipment and power safety-switch key shall be
placed in secure areas separate from one another. Only radiographers authorized by the Unit
Commander shall have access to the storage area.
Unshielded (Open) Installations.
This class shall be selected only if operational requirements prevent the use of either of the other
classes. For radiography its use should be limited mainly to mobile and portable equipment where
fixed shielding cannot be used. Fluoroscopy shall be done only by remote observation, such as by
closed circuit television.
The operational requirements of other types of installations may necessitate use of this class.
The protection of personnel and public depends almost entirely on strict adherence to safe operating
procedures. With this adherence, unshielded installations may provide a degree of protection similar
to the other classes.
The lack of inherent shielding necessarily increases the importance of an effective ALARA program.
Additionally, lack of interlock and engineered access to high radiation areas increases the importance
of unauthorized use of devices.
High Radiation Area boundaries shall be calculated only. Verification
surveys shall not be performed unless such surveys can be accomplished
(using devices such as those, which integrate dose) without additional, unnec-
essary exposure to personnel.
An installation shall be classified as unshielded if due to operational requirements it cannot be provided
with the inherent degree of protection specified for either Army protective or enclosed and Air Force
shielded installations. Such installations include fenced or roped-off areas located either in the open or
inside buildings such as hanger bays. An installation so classified shall conform to all of the following
mandatory requirements:
The source and all objects exposed thereto shall be within a conspicuously posted perimeter that
limits the area in which the exposure can exceed 100 mR (1 mSv) in any 1 hour. This area will be
conspicuously coated with Danger, High Radiation Area or Caution, High Radiation Area signs.
No person shall have access to the High Radiation Area within this perimeter nor may remain in the
area during irradiation.
A second perimeter delineating a Radiation Area shall be calculated, posted with sufficient
Caution, Radiation Area signs so as to be conspicuous from any direction of approach, and radiation
levels verified by radiation surveys. Such radiation surveys shall be documented in operating logs
and shall include a minimum of two readings for each side of the radiation boundary. (A Radiation
Area is defined as any area accessible to individuals in which ionizing radiation dose rate levels
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