T.O. 33B-1-1
Hydrophilic Remover (Pre-RINSE).
When the hydrophilic remover method is used, the pre-rinse operation SHALL be checked or observed to verify the
a. The proper water pressure, waters temperature, droplet size, and spray pattern and time are employed.
b. All surfaces are adequately rinsed.
Hydrophilic Remover - (Immersion).
The following areas in the hydrophilic remover, immersion process SHALL be observed or verified:
a. In-use performance tests are properly accomplished and documented (see paragraph
b. There is little or no floating penetrant Examine the surface of the remover with a black light for any
signs of fluorescence.
c. Agitation is not excessive.
d. Parts are completely immersed and when necessary rotated to eliminate air pockets.
e. Complex shaped parts are rotated after removal to reduce pooling of remover.
f. Drain time after removal from bath is less than 30 seconds until rinsing is started.
Hydrophilic Remover - (Spray).
The hydrophilic spray remover process SHALL be observed and checked periodically to verify the following:
a. Spray remover concentration tests are being properly performed and documented.
b. Spraying is done under black light and in a shaded area.
c. The water pressure, temperature, droplet size, and spray pattern are satisfactory.
d. All surfaces of the part are sprayed to remove the surface penetrant without over-removal.
e. Part is rinsed with fresh water following the spray removal.
The water rinsing process SHALL be observed and checked periodically to verify the following:
a. Rinse station is shaded from bright lights or windows.
b. Rinsing is accomplished under black light.
c. The proper water pressure, temperature, droplet size, and spray pattern are used.
d. On parts processed with lipophilic emulsifier, the entire surface shall be rapidly wetted to stop the
emulsification process before attempting removal.
e. On parts processed with hydrophilic remover, the entire part is rinsed to remove all traces of remover.
f. After rinsing, the part is free of pockets or splashes of penetrant.