T.O. 33B-1-1
Many of the listed steps are fundamental to the respective inspection processes. Therefore, an inspector can perform a
self-audit by referencing the appropriate steps each time the respective processes are performed.
Cleaning / Precleaning.
Prior to application of penetrant, examine the precleaned parts using either visual or locally developed technique for the
a. Complete removal of coatings, soil, and contaminants, with special attention to recess and entrapment
b. Verify that all cleaning process residues have been removed.
c. Verify that the parts are adequately dried, especially in recessed areas and faying surfaces.
Materials Control.
New Materials.
Verify that tests on new materials are being properly performed and documented (paragraph 1.5.3).
In-Use Materials.
Verify that tests on in-use materials are being properly performed and documented (paragraph 1.5.5).
Observe the application of penetrant paying attention to the following:
a. The part temperatures are not excessive prior to penetrant application.
b. The penetrant application is properly accomplished for the method being used.
c. The entire part surface or area to be inspected is completely and evenly covered.
d. When using the immersion method parts with concave or complex surfaces are rotated in the penetrant
to assure no air pockets remain.
e. Drain-dwell is accomplished in a satisfactory manner including the removal of any pooled penetrant.
f. Penetrant dwell time complies with the procedure requirements.
Lipophilic Emulsifier.
The lipophilic emulsifier process SHALL be observed and checked periodically to verify the following:
a. Method B removability tests, in-process, are being properly performed and documented (see paragraph
b. The part is rapidly and completely covered with emulsifier with minimum mechanical action and no air
pockets or uncoated surfaces.
c. Drain-dwell is accomplished in a satisfactory manner, including rotation of parts to avoid pooling when
d. Emulsifier dwell is closely timed and complies with procedure requirements.
e. No delay in moving part from emulsifier dwell station into the rinse station.