TB 750-651
(b) Inhalation: Remove effected person to fresh air. If symptoms occur,
consult physician.
(c) Skin Contact: Immediately wash skin with soap and plenty of water. Get
medical attention if irritation develops or persists. Remove and discard
contaminated clothing and shoes.
(d) Eye Contact: Immediately flush with plenty of water. After initial
flushing, remove any contact lenses and continue flushing for at least 15 minutes
while holding eyelids apart. Get medical attention.
(3) First Aid Measures for Handling and Storage of Cleaning Compounds
(a) Handling: Wash thoroughly after handling. Wear protective clothes,
gloves, and eye protection. Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid breathing mist.
Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse.
(b) Storage: Store drums closed and away from extreme temperatures. Do not
freeze. Keep Alkaline cleaner away from strong acids and acid cleaner from
strong bases.
5. Requirements
a. Retain antifreeze (CID A-A-52624) and water mixture in engine cooling systems
for as long as the coolant meets the freeze point and the Nitrite concentration
requirement. Use 50/50 antifreeze concentration for normal environment and 60/40
antifreeze concentration for Arctic environment.
(1) Drain, clean, and flush any cooling system that is contaminated regardless of
coolant installation date. Section 8 contains information on cooling system cleaning
compounds. Detailed instructions for draining, cleaning, and flushing cooling systems
are given in TM 750-254 (Cooling Systems: Tactical Vehicles).
(2) For items that are under warranty, follow the manufacturer's
recommendations until the warranty has been expired. Do not use any antifreeze that
does not conform to CID A-A-52624 in Army vehicles past the warranty period.
When switching over to CID A-A-52624 antifreeze, flush the cooling system to
(3) Periodically test CID A-A-52624 coolant (all types) for Nitrite concentration
and freeze point protection using Test Kit CID A-A-51461 Type II or any commercial
test strips that test the freeze point and Nitrite level.
b. Replace Arctic type antifreeze on an annual basis, preferably at the beginning of
the cold weather season.