7.2.2 Storage. All items must be stored under similar
5. References. The following publications form a part
conditions at the same depot.
of this bulletin to the extent specified.
7.2.3 Serviceability lot status. All lots must possess the
AR 380-5
Department of the Army
same serviceability lot status; i.e. serviceability known
Information Security Program.
(based upon prior surveillance) or serviceability
unknown. However, when new procurement is involved,
AR 750-25
serviceability will be based upon acceptance inspection
in lieu of prior surveillance.
TM 3-220
7.3 Grand Lot. A grand lot is formed by combining all
lots from one manufacturer into a large single lot.
TM 3-250
Storage, Shipment, Handling
Actual formation is a paper transaction, regrouping and
and Disposal of Chemical
marking of the materiel in storage is not required. A
Agents and Hazardous
grand lot as such cannot be declared unserviceable,
When through surveillance, it appears that a lot or lots
within the grand lot may be unserviceable, the lot(s)
TM 38-750
The Army Maintenance
concerned will be withdrawn and additional samples
Management System (TAMMS).
taken in accordance with the applicable serviceability
standard. If the suspect lot is found serviceable it
TB 750-94-2
Reporting Unsatisfactory
remains a part of the grand lot. If found unserviceable,
Newly Procured and Contractor
the lot is eligible for rework or disposal in accordance
Maintained Materiel.
with existing regulations.
When an appreciable
proportion (20 percent) of the lots within the grand lot
Quality Assurance Terms and
have become unserviceable, the grand lot shall be
dissolved and the individual lots therein tested on a lot
by lot basis. A grand lot must meet criteria as follows:
During surveillance and handling of
7.3.1 Kind, type and model. All lots must be the same
chemical items, inspection personnel shall observe the
kind, type and model.
safety precautions prescribed for operations personnel,
the safety precautions cited in applicable regulations,
7.3.2 Manufacturer. All lots must be the product of the
supply bulletins, TM3-220, TM 3-250, and technical
manuals describing the materiel.
same manufacturer or reconditioning agency.
7.3.3 Packing. All lots must have the same type
7. Lotting.
packing and identification markings.
7.1 Type of Lotting Permitted.
The serviceability
standards shall specify the type of lotting permitted in
7.3.4 Storage. All lots must be stored under similar
conducting surveillance inspection for the group of items
conditions at the same depot.
included in the standard.
7.2 Depot Lot. A depot is formed by combining lots
7.3.5 Serviceability lot status. All lots must possess the
regardless of manufacturer or age into a large single lot.
same serviceability lot status; i.e., serviceability known
Actual formation is a paper transaction, regrouping and
(based upon prior surveillance) or serviceability
marking of the materiel in storage is not required. A
unknown. However, when new procurement is involved,
depot lot as such cannot be declared unserviceable.
serviceability will be based upon acceptance inspection
When through surveillance, it appears that a lot or lots
in lieu of prior surveillance.
within the depot lot may be unserviceable, the lot(s)
concerned will be withdrawn and additional samples
7.4 Manufacturer's Lot. A manufacturer's lot consists of
taken in accordance with the applicable serviceability
standard. If the suspect lot is found serviceable, it
those items manufactured or assembled by one
remains a part of the depot lot. If found unserviceable,
manufacturer or reconditioning activity and bearing the
the lot is eligible for rework or disposal in accordance
same manufacturer's or reconditioning agency's lot
with existing regulations.
When an appreciable
identification number. The manufacturer's lot must
proportion (20 percent) of the lots within the depot lot
meet criteria as follows:
have become unserviceable, the depot lot shall be
dissolved and the individual lots therein tested on a lot
7.4.1 Packing. All items must have the same type
by lot basis. A depot lot must meet criteria as follows:
packing and identification marking.
7.2.1 Kind and type. All items must be the same kind,
type and model.
7.4.2 Storage. All items must be stored under similar