of serviceability of the items when serviceability status
apply to specialized terms used in storage serviceability
is unknown.
standards published for chemical items.
3.2.11 Quality Defect Code. A numeric code assigned
3.2.1 Depot Lot. A combination of lots, irrespective of
to indicate the category of a given defect and to identify
manufacturer or age, of the same kind and type of
by explanation that particular defect.
materiel grouped into one large single lot for the
3.2.12 Serviceability. Condition of an item which as a
purpose of economy in surveillance.
3.2.2 Grand Lot. All lots of the same kind and type of
result of surveillance inspection has been determined to
be satisfactory and safe for its intended use.
materiel from one manufacturer or reconditioning
3.2.13 Shelf-Life Code. A code assigned to a shelf-life
agency grouped into one large lot for the purpose of
economy in surveillance.
item to indicate its storage time period.
3.2.3 Initial Receipt Inspection (IR). An inspection
3.2.14 Shelf-Life Items. An item of supply possessing
performed on newly manufactured materiel received
deteriorative or unstable characteristics to the degree
directly from a vendor, manufacturer, or government
that a storage time, period must be assigned to assure
activity. The purpose is to determine if the items,
that it will perform satisfactorily in service.
packing, or packaging has been damaged in transit, if
3.2.15 Special Inspection (S). A special inspection is
preservation, packing, packaging and marking are
the inspection performed at the direction of higher
correct, if count is correct and if proper documentation
headquarters or as deemed necessary to satisfy local
accompanies the shipment. This inspection is not
installation requirements.
intended as a manufacturer's acceptance-type
3.2.16 Storage Quality Level.
A nominal value
expressed in terms of percent defective or defects per
3.2.4 Manufacturer's Lot. A quantity of one item of
hundred units, whichever is applicable, specified for a
chemical materiel manufactured or assembled in one
given group or defects of a product in storage.
plant from raw materials or components of the same
3.2.17 Storage Serviceability Standard (SSS). Written
physical characteristics, under uniform conditions
instructions for use by all supply activities engaged in
designed to effect homogeneity and meeting definite
storage and issue of chemical materiel. SSS's contain
physical and chemical requirements of established
type of storage instructions; guidance for preservation,
specifications and drawings (this includes renovated,
packaging, packing, and marking; and the requirements
reworked and reconditioned lots).
for inspection and acceptance during the storage cycle,
3.2.5 Miscellaneous Lot.
A combination of small
including criteria for the classification to determine the
manufacturer's lots or lot fragments processing the
serviceability of materiel in storage.
same technical history.
3.2.18 Unit Basis Inspection. Inspection on a unit basis
3.2.6 Mixed Lot. A combination of the same kind and
is a procedure for inspection where each unit in the lot is
type of materiel wherein identification with regard to
inspected for the defect characteristic under
manufacturer, lot number or time of manufacturer is
consideration. The unit basis is also used for serially
numbered major end items that are considered
3.2.7 Occurrence Basis. A
frequency of
separately for surveillance purposes.
without a predetermined time frame which is performed
3.2.19 Unserviceable. Condition of an item which as a
as the need occurs, i.e. Initial Receipt (IR) inspection is
result of surveillance inspection has been determined to
performed when the shipment arrives.
be unsatisfactory or unsafe for its intended use.
3.2.8 Periodic Cycle Inspection (P).
performed on materiel in storage on a cyclic basis as
4. Errors or Omissions Comments regarding errors or
established in applicable supply bulletins. The purpose
omissions to this document will be forwarded on DA
is to determine the serviceability status of items at the
Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications) to
end of each cycle.
Commander, Edgewood Arsenal, Attn: SAREA-PA-PQ,
3.2.9 Pre-Issue Inspection (PI). A pre-issue inspection
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010; and an
is the inspection and/or tests on materiel immediately
information copy to the Commander, US Army
prior to issue.
Armament Command, Attn: AMSARQAS, Rock Island,
3.2.10 Prestorage Inspection (PS).
A prestorage
ILL 61201.
inspection is the inspection performed on materiel
received from other depots, posts, camps or stations, or
overseas returns received within CONUS. The purpose
is to determine receipt condition and the current degree