TM 5-6350-264-14&P-10
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-110/E121 C-9412
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-10
Table 5-2. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
4. (Cont)
b. (Cont)
PC board A7. Set multimeter to ohms
and connect meter leads to TAS termi-
nals which have wires attached. Push
TAS plunger all the way in, and then
pull plunger all the way out. Meter
should indicate 0 ohms for both switch
positions. Depress TAS plunger and
then release. Meter should indicate
over 100,000 ohms.
If these meter indications are not correct, re-
place TAS.
To remove TAS, remove screws that se-
cure TAS to edge of CU housing.
Loosen screws that secure crimp
lugs to switch.
To install new TAS, slip crimp lugs un-
der screw heads marked COM and
NO on switch, and tighten screws.
Insert switch through hole in edge
of housing from the back, and in-
sert screws from the front. Tighten
screws to secure switch.
If meter indications are correct, pull TAS
plunger all the way out. Connect meter
leads to J7-4 and J7-7. Meter should
indicate 0 ohms.
If meter indicates over 100, 000 ohms, in-
spect J12/P1, pins 18 and 19 for
broken or loose wires. Resolder any
bad connections at P1, pins 18 and 19.
If meter indicates 0 ohms at J7-4 and J7-7,
connect a jumper wire in power supply
from TB4-3 to TB4-2. Connect meter
leads to J7-1 and J7-14. Meter should
indicate 0 ohms.
If meter indicates 0 ohms, replace PC board
To install new PC board, turn board
so plastic ejector is toward top.
Align board with guides at top